Citas bibligráficas
Rodriguez, V., (2019). La democracia interna en la Ley de partidos políticos y la elección de los candidatos al Poder Legislativo [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Rodriguez, V., La democracia interna en la Ley de partidos políticos y la elección de los candidatos al Poder Legislativo [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2019.
title = "La democracia interna en la Ley de partidos políticos y la elección de los candidatos al Poder Legislativo",
author = "Rodriguez Beltran, Victor Alonso",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2019"
Over the time once and again, people have been unsatisfied with their representatives to the Legislature. The establishment of the Law regarding Political Parties or Law 28094 in September 2003 after Fujimori’s institucional debacle was the best way to set new energy to the political class and democratic consolidation. Nevertheless, political and economic interests have produced a crisis of political parties, which have shown serious trouble to elect the candidates who will represent them in the general elections, that is to say, in the Legislature. In this socio political context, this thesis has been taken on aiming the setting of normative changes to be established within the Law of Political Organizations or Law 30414 in order to get a suitable profile of their candidates and thus contribute to the estrengthening of the political parties in Peru. The research is made up of eight chapters: Chapter I introduces the research problem: Background, Setting the Problem, Justification, Restrictions and General as well as Specific Objectives. Chapter II includes the Theoretical Support. Chapter III presents the Hypothesis as well as the Variables. Chapter IV is devoted to the Methodological Support where the methods, techniques and instruments used are included. Chapters V and VI approach the Results and Discussion respectively. Chapter VII is for Recommendations. Finally, the Bibliographical References are presented in Chapter VIII.
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