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Leiva, Y., (2020). Clima de seguridad en el trabajo en una empresa metalmecánica en la región La Libertad [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Leiva, Y., Clima de seguridad en el trabajo en una empresa metalmecánica en la región La Libertad [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2020.
title = "Clima de seguridad en el trabajo en una empresa metalmecánica en la región La Libertad",
author = "Leiva Calvanapon, Yvan Rene",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2020"
Título: Clima de seguridad en el trabajo en una empresa metalmecánica en la región La Libertad
Autor(es): Leiva Calvanapon, Yvan Rene
Asesor(es): La Rosa González Otoya, Ana Teresa
Palabras clave: Seguridad laboral; Prevención de accidentes; Medidas de seguridad
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 11-dic-2020
Institución: Universidad Privada del Norte
Resumen: El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo conocer el nivel del clima de seguridad en el trabajo de una empresa metalmecánica y a partir de ello formular una propuesta de mejora en la prevención de accidentes.
Para la consecución del objetivo planteado se recurrió principalmente a 2 técnicas; primero se realizó un diagnóstico situacional de la empresa con el objetivo de conocer las causas de los accidentes ocurridos en la empresa en estudio y de los indicadores de seguridad en el período 2017 y 2018, y seguidamente se determinó el nivel del clima de seguridad con el uso de una herramienta de medición previamente validada.
La presente investigación fue realizada bajo un enfoque cuantitativo, así mismo para la recolección de la información de la variable no fue necesario manipular la variable de forma deliberada además se hizo en un momento específico de tiempo es decir la presente investigación se ajustó a una investigación de diseño no experimental – transversal.
Se identificó la población dentro del universo constituido por todos los empleados de la empresa; la población estuvo conformado por 263 trabajadores quienes estuvieron con exposición directa hacia los peligros propios del trabajo. De la población antes mencionada se seleccionó una muestra compuesta de 157 unidades de análisis la misma que fue seleccionada de manera probabilística. Se utilizó un cuestionario el cual fue aplicado a 3 grupos de trabajadores quienes asistieron en diferentes fechas a una capacitación programada.
Con el diagnóstico situacional se determinó que los comportamientos inseguros son las principales causas de los accidentes de trabajo así mismo se obtuvo que los indicadores de seguridad en el trabajo de la empresa son menos favorables con respecto a los indicadores del rubro en el cual opera la empresa en estudio. Por otro lado, con la aplicación del cuestionario 02, debidamente validado, se determinó el clima de seguridad cuyo valor alcanzado fue 2.71; cabe anotar que dicho cuestionario fue construido a partir del cuestionario Nórdico NOSACQ-50 en español, además debe mencionarse que para obtener el valor del clima de seguridad se determinó tanto la percepción del manejo de seguridad por parte de la línea de supervisión como la percepción del manejo de seguridad por parte del personal técnico. Finalmente, con todos los resultados encontrados anteriormente se formuló una propuesta de mejora en la prevención de ocurrencia de accidentes.
The objective of this study was to determine the level of safety climate at work in a metalworking company and, based on this, formulate a proposal for improvement in accident prevention. To achieve the stated objective, two techniques were used mainly; First, a situational diagnosis of the company was carried out in order to know the causes of the accidents that occurred in the company under study and the safety indicators in the period 2017 and 2018, and then the level of the safety climate was determined with the use of a previously validated measurement tool. The present investigation was carried out under a quantitative approach, likewise for the collection of the information of the variable it was not necessary to manipulate the variable deliberately, it was also done at a specific moment of time, that is, the present investigation was adjusted to an investigation of non-experimental design - cross-sectional. The population within the universe constituted by all the employees of the company was identified; The population was made up of 263 workers who were directly exposed to the dangers of the job. From the aforementioned population, a sample composed of 157 units of analysis was selected, which was selected in a probabilistic way. A questionnaire was used which was applied to 3 groups of workers who attended a scheduled training on different dates With the situational diagnosis, it was determined that unsafe behaviors are the main causes of workplace accidents, and it was also obtained that the company's workplace safety indicators are less favorable with respect to the indicators of the area in which the company operates in study. On the other hand, with the application of questionnaire 02, duly validated, the security climate was determined, the value of which was 2.71; It should be noted that said questionnaire was constructed from the Nordic questionnaire NOSACQ-50 in Spanish, it should also be mentioned that to obtain the value of the security climate, both the perception of security management by the supervision line and the perception of the safety management by technical staff. Finally, with all the results previously found, a proposal for improvement in accident prevention was formulated.
The objective of this study was to determine the level of safety climate at work in a metalworking company and, based on this, formulate a proposal for improvement in accident prevention. To achieve the stated objective, two techniques were used mainly; First, a situational diagnosis of the company was carried out in order to know the causes of the accidents that occurred in the company under study and the safety indicators in the period 2017 and 2018, and then the level of the safety climate was determined with the use of a previously validated measurement tool. The present investigation was carried out under a quantitative approach, likewise for the collection of the information of the variable it was not necessary to manipulate the variable deliberately, it was also done at a specific moment of time, that is, the present investigation was adjusted to an investigation of non-experimental design - cross-sectional. The population within the universe constituted by all the employees of the company was identified; The population was made up of 263 workers who were directly exposed to the dangers of the job. From the aforementioned population, a sample composed of 157 units of analysis was selected, which was selected in a probabilistic way. A questionnaire was used which was applied to 3 groups of workers who attended a scheduled training on different dates With the situational diagnosis, it was determined that unsafe behaviors are the main causes of workplace accidents, and it was also obtained that the company's workplace safety indicators are less favorable with respect to the indicators of the area in which the company operates in study. On the other hand, with the application of questionnaire 02, duly validated, the security climate was determined, the value of which was 2.71; It should be noted that said questionnaire was constructed from the Nordic questionnaire NOSACQ-50 in Spanish, it should also be mentioned that to obtain the value of the security climate, both the perception of security management by the supervision line and the perception of the safety management by technical staff. Finally, with all the results previously found, a proposal for improvement in accident prevention was formulated.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Maestría Ejecutiva en Administración de Empresas
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Privada del Norte. Escuela de Posgrado y Estudios Continuos
Grado o título: Maestro en Administración de Empresas
Jurado: Mendoza de los Santos, Alberto Carlos; Alegria Ferreyros, Luis Fernando; Diaz Fernandez, Romy Angelica
Fecha de registro: 22-mar-2021
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