Citas bibligráficas
Calle, D., Ríos, K. (2023). Relación del riesgo ergonómico con la incapacidad por dolor lumbar en odontólogos del Centro Dental Quito, Lima 2021 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Calle, D., Ríos, K. Relación del riesgo ergonómico con la incapacidad por dolor lumbar en odontólogos del Centro Dental Quito, Lima 2021 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2023.
title = "Relación del riesgo ergonómico con la incapacidad por dolor lumbar en odontólogos del Centro Dental Quito, Lima 2021",
author = "Ríos Espinoza, Karen Patricia",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2023"
Dentistry is a discipline that performs detailed and complex procedures, where visual elements and the use of force are combined for a successful procedure, involving adopting postures and movements that can harm your health and develop disability due to low back pain. With the objective of determining the relationship between ergonomic risk and disability due to low back pain in dentists of the Quito Dental Center, Lima 2021. A study with a quantitative approach, basic type, descriptive level, and hypothetical deductive method, was developed. With a sample of 42 dentists, the REBA Method and the Oswestry Disability Scale for low back pain were applied. Where it was determined that 31% presented a medium risk; 50% presented a high risk and 19% a very high risk. Regarding disability due to low back pain, it is evident that 69% have a mild disability; 24% have a moderate disability, and only 7% severe disability. Concluding that the ergonomic risk is related to disability due to low back pain in dentists, through p value. In addition, there is a relationship between ergonomic risk with disability due to mild low back pain disability due to moderate low back pain and disability due to severe low back pain. demonstrating that the level of ergonomic risk is related to disability due to low back pain, thus corroborating the theoretical foundations that refer to the greater the postural load, the greater the ergonomic risk and the occupation plays a fundamental role in the development and establishment of low back pain.
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