Citas bibligráficas
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Balvín, R., Vargas, Y. (2017). Efecto del estudio técnico de los precios de transferencia en empresa reaseguradora [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Balvín, R., Vargas, Y. Efecto del estudio técnico de los precios de transferencia en empresa reaseguradora [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2017.
title = "Efecto del estudio técnico de los precios de transferencia en empresa reaseguradora",
author = "Vargas Abanto, Yrene Marily",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2017"
Título: Efecto del estudio técnico de los precios de transferencia en empresa reaseguradora
Asesor(es): Smith Corrales, Cesar Augusto
Palabras clave: Contratos de compraventa; Contratos; Contabilidad
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 29-may-2017
Institución: Universidad Privada del Norte
Resumen: La evolución del entorno económico mundial y el incremento de la apertura al comercio internacional, ha ocasionado la aparición de corporaciones empresariales, multinacionales o
transnacionales, las cuales por medio de sus subsidiarias, afiliadas y/o sucursales, extienden
sus operaciones de compra / venta de bienes y servicios. Dicha situación ha ocasionado que
varios grupos multinacionales traten de utilizar su economía de escala y dividir las competencias de sus subsidiarias, tomando en cuenta las ventajas de cada territorio fiscal en la que se encuentren.
Tomando en cuenta que el principal objetivo de toda compañía es la maximización de costos y
que uno de los costos a tener en consideración es el costo tributario, podemos inferir que los
precios de transferencia conforman una parte importante a fin de maximizar los costos
En vista de ello, la Administración Tributaria ha preparado un mecanismo de control para el
cálculo del precio de mercado al que las compañías y sus vinculadas deberían comercializar
sus bienes y/o servicios, resguardando la base imponible y tomando en referencia la
confrontación de los resultados conseguidos por otras compañías. Cabe señalar, que este
mecanismo se encuentra dentro de la normatividad de precios de transferencia, las cuales
determinan los valores respecto de las transacciones de las compañías, utilizando los
lineamientos de la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico (en adelante, “OCDE”).
Ahora bien, la OCDE, en su reporte de 1995, realizó un vasto desarrollo del principio de libre
competencia (arm’s lenght principle) y de las directivas para su aplicación; es así que entre los
temas desarrollados se encuentran los métodos de precios de transferencia, utilización de
márgenes fijos o fórmulas taxativas (“Safe Harbors”), la información y documentación requerida para sustentar las políticas de precios de transferencia, acuerdos anticipados de precios
(“APA”), entre otros, los cuales forman parte de la mayoría de normativas que regulan los
precios de transferencia.
No obstante, el principio de libre competencia otorga al Estado la posibilidad de cotejar y de
ajustar (sólo para propósitos fiscales), el valor de las transacciones realizadas entre las compañías vinculadas, para calcular si tienen relación con los valores que habrían fijado otras compañías en operaciones idénticas o similares, bajo un supuesto de libre mercado.
Bajo este supuesto, la legislación peruana, por medio de los artículos 32 y 32-A de la Ley de
Impuesto a la Renta (en adelante, “LIR”), señala que los contribuyentes deben demostrar que
las transacciones que hayan realizado están sujetas a las reglas de valores de mercado. Es por
ello que el artículo 32-A establece los métodos de determinación de los valores de mercado (método del precio comparable no controlado, método del precio de reventa, método de la partición de utilidades, método residual de partición de utilidades, método del costo incrementado y método del margen neto transaccional), respetando los principios de neutralidad y capacidad contributiva.
Bajo esta perspectiva, el trabajo de suficiencia profesional que presentamos a continuación,
pasamos a desarrollar el estudio de precios de transferencia que realizó PGM Auditores y
Consultores S.A.C. (en adelante, “PGM”) en relación a la metodología utilizada por JLT
Corredores de Reaseguros S.A (en adelante, “la Compañía) para el cálculo de los precios de
transferencia respecto a sus operaciones con vinculadas, los cuales fueron efectuados durante
el ejercicio 2014.Por tanto, este estudio tiene como finalidad determinar si los precios establecidos en dichas operaciones serían los que se hubieran pactado entre partes independientes en condiciones iguales o similares, es decir a valor de mercado, según lo establecido en los artículos 32 y 32-A de la LIR y su Reglamento.
Finalmente, del desarrollo del estudio de precios de transferencia realizado, comprobaremos la
importancia de la importancia de la identificación del método (bajo el principio de libre competencia) y las implicancias legales y contables que pueden tener las transacciones internacionales que realice la Compañía.
The evolution of the global economic environment and the increased openness to international trade has led to the emergence of multinational or transnational corporations, which through their subsidiaries, affiliates and / or branches extend their operations of buying / selling goods and services. This situation has caused several multinational groups to try to use their economies of scale and divide the competencies of their subsidiaries, taking into account the advantages of each fiscal territory in which they are. Taking into account that the main objective of every company is the maximization of costs and that one of the costs to take into consideration is the tax cost, we can infer that the transfer prices form an important part in order to maximize the tax costs. In light of this, the Tax Administration has prepared a control mechanism for the calculation of the market price to which companies and their affiliates should market their goods and / or services, safeguarding the tax base and taking into account the confrontation of the results achieved by other companies. It should be noted that this mechanism is within the rules of transfer pricing, which determine the values regarding the transactions of companies, using the guidelines of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (hereinafter, "OCDE"). However, the OCDE, in its 1995 report made extensive development of the principle of free competition (arm's lenght principle) and directives for its application. Thus, among the themes developed are transfer pricing methods, use of fixed margins or "safe harbors", information and documentation required to support transfer pricing policies, advance pricing agreements ("APA"), among others, which are part of the majority of regulations of transfer pricing. However, the principle of free competition gives the State the possibility of collating and adjusting (only for tax purposes) the value of transactions between related companies, in order to calculate whether they relate to the values that would have been fixed by other companies in identical or similar operations, under a free market scenario. Under this assumption, Peruvian legislation, by means of articles 32 and 32-A of the Income Tax Law (hereinafter "LIR"), indicates that taxpayers must demonstrate that the transactions they have made are subject to the rules of market values. That is why article 32-A establishes methods of determining market values (uncontrolled comparable price method, resale price method, profit partitioning method, residual profit partitioning method, cost method Increased and net transactional margin method), respecting the principles of neutrality and contributory capacity. From this perspective, the project of professional sufficiency that we present below, develop the study of transfer prices that realized PGM Auditores and Consultants S.A.C. (hereinafter "PGM") in relation to the methodology used by JLT Reinsurance Brokers S.A (hereinafter "the Company") for the calculation of transfer prices with respect to its related undertakings transactions, which were made during the year 2014. Therefore, this study aims to determine whether the prices charged in such transactions would be those that would be agreed between independent parties in the same or similar conditions, i.e. at market value, as set out in articles 32 and 32-A of the Peruvian Income Tax Law and its Regulations. Finally, the development of the study of transfer pricing done, we will see the importance of the importance of identifying the method (under the principle of free competition) and legal and accounting implications that may have international transactions carried out by the Company.
The evolution of the global economic environment and the increased openness to international trade has led to the emergence of multinational or transnational corporations, which through their subsidiaries, affiliates and / or branches extend their operations of buying / selling goods and services. This situation has caused several multinational groups to try to use their economies of scale and divide the competencies of their subsidiaries, taking into account the advantages of each fiscal territory in which they are. Taking into account that the main objective of every company is the maximization of costs and that one of the costs to take into consideration is the tax cost, we can infer that the transfer prices form an important part in order to maximize the tax costs. In light of this, the Tax Administration has prepared a control mechanism for the calculation of the market price to which companies and their affiliates should market their goods and / or services, safeguarding the tax base and taking into account the confrontation of the results achieved by other companies. It should be noted that this mechanism is within the rules of transfer pricing, which determine the values regarding the transactions of companies, using the guidelines of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (hereinafter, "OCDE"). However, the OCDE, in its 1995 report made extensive development of the principle of free competition (arm's lenght principle) and directives for its application. Thus, among the themes developed are transfer pricing methods, use of fixed margins or "safe harbors", information and documentation required to support transfer pricing policies, advance pricing agreements ("APA"), among others, which are part of the majority of regulations of transfer pricing. However, the principle of free competition gives the State the possibility of collating and adjusting (only for tax purposes) the value of transactions between related companies, in order to calculate whether they relate to the values that would have been fixed by other companies in identical or similar operations, under a free market scenario. Under this assumption, Peruvian legislation, by means of articles 32 and 32-A of the Income Tax Law (hereinafter "LIR"), indicates that taxpayers must demonstrate that the transactions they have made are subject to the rules of market values. That is why article 32-A establishes methods of determining market values (uncontrolled comparable price method, resale price method, profit partitioning method, residual profit partitioning method, cost method Increased and net transactional margin method), respecting the principles of neutrality and contributory capacity. From this perspective, the project of professional sufficiency that we present below, develop the study of transfer prices that realized PGM Auditores and Consultants S.A.C. (hereinafter "PGM") in relation to the methodology used by JLT Reinsurance Brokers S.A (hereinafter "the Company") for the calculation of transfer prices with respect to its related undertakings transactions, which were made during the year 2014. Therefore, this study aims to determine whether the prices charged in such transactions would be those that would be agreed between independent parties in the same or similar conditions, i.e. at market value, as set out in articles 32 and 32-A of the Peruvian Income Tax Law and its Regulations. Finally, the development of the study of transfer pricing done, we will see the importance of the importance of identifying the method (under the principle of free competition) and legal and accounting implications that may have international transactions carried out by the Company.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Contabilidad y Finanzas
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Privada del Norte. Facultad de Negocios
Grado o título: Contador Público
Fecha de registro: 5-nov-2017
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