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Velasquez, F., (2018). Eficiencia teórica de cuatro tipos de cimentación superficial para una institución educativa [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Velasquez, F., Eficiencia teórica de cuatro tipos de cimentación superficial para una institución educativa [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2018.
title = "Eficiencia teórica de cuatro tipos de cimentación superficial para una institución educativa",
author = "Velasquez Huayta, Felix Alejandra",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2018"
Título: Eficiencia teórica de cuatro tipos de cimentación superficial para una institución educativa
Autor(es): Velasquez Huayta, Felix Alejandra
Asesor(es): Mosqueira Moreno, Miguel Ángel
Palabras clave: Cimentaciones; Análisis de costos; Eficiencia; Ingeniería de estructuras; Efficiency; Cost; Effort; Differential settlement
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 24-abr-2018
Institución: Universidad Privada del Norte
Resumen: En la presente investigación se estudió el comportamiento de cuatro tipos de cimentaciones
superficiales (zapata aislada, conectada, combinada y losa de cimentación), para una institución
educativa de la localidad de Carbón Alto, distrito de Gregorio Pita – San Marcos – Cajamarca. El
fin del estudio es determinar la eficiencia teórica de cuatro tipos de cimentación, para lo cual se
analiza los asentamientos y las reacciones para determinar cuál de ellas se comporta mejor ante
las cargas de servicio; también se compara los costos de cada una de ellas. En primer lugar, se
realizó el diseño de las cimentaciones para conocer las dimensiones; para luego poder modelar
en el software SAFE 2016 versión 16.0.1; a continuación, se realizó el metrado de cada una de
las cimentaciones y se obtuvo el costo referencial, con los resultados obtenidos se hizo la
comparación para conocer cuál es el tipo de cimentación más eficiente. Los resultados obtenidos
nos determinaron que las zapatas conectadas son más eficientes, teniendo un comportamiento
adecuado ante las cargas de servicio que se presentan en la institución educativa y teniendo un
menor costo.
In the present investigation, the behavior of four types of superficial foundations (isolated, connected, combined footing and foundation slab) was studied for an educational institution in the town of Carbón Alto, district of Gregorio Pita - San Marcos - Cajamarca. The purpose of the study is to determine the theoretical efficiency of four types of foundations, for which the settlements and reactions are analyzed to determine which of them behaves better in the face of service loads; it also compares the costs of each of them. In the first place, the design of the foundations was made to know the dimensions; to then be able to model in the software SAFE 2016 version 16.0.1; Then, the metering of each of the foundations was performed and the referential cost was obtained, with the results obtained the comparison was made to know which is the most efficient type of foundation. The results obtained determined that the connected footings are more efficient, having an adequate behavior before the service loads that are presented in the educational institution and having a lower cost.
In the present investigation, the behavior of four types of superficial foundations (isolated, connected, combined footing and foundation slab) was studied for an educational institution in the town of Carbón Alto, district of Gregorio Pita - San Marcos - Cajamarca. The purpose of the study is to determine the theoretical efficiency of four types of foundations, for which the settlements and reactions are analyzed to determine which of them behaves better in the face of service loads; it also compares the costs of each of them. In the first place, the design of the foundations was made to know the dimensions; to then be able to model in the software SAFE 2016 version 16.0.1; Then, the metering of each of the foundations was performed and the referential cost was obtained, with the results obtained the comparison was made to know which is the most efficient type of foundation. The results obtained determined that the connected footings are more efficient, having an adequate behavior before the service loads that are presented in the educational institution and having a lower cost.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Ingeniería Civil
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Privada del Norte. Facultad de Ingeniería
Grado o título: Ingeniero Civil
Jurado: Aguilar Aliaga, Orlando; Quispe Rodríguez, Gerson; Alva Sarmiento, Anita Elizabet
Fecha de registro: 8-may-2018
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