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Braga, L., (2021). La productividad y la rentabilidad de la empresa Finorde SRL, Lima 2000 al 2018 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Braga, L., La productividad y la rentabilidad de la empresa Finorde SRL, Lima 2000 al 2018 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2021.
title = "La productividad y la rentabilidad de la empresa Finorde SRL, Lima 2000 al 2018",
author = "Braga Pariona, Luis Manuel",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2021"
Title: La productividad y la rentabilidad de la empresa Finorde SRL, Lima 2000 al 2018
Authors(s): Braga Pariona, Luis Manuel
Advisor(s): Jungbluth Adrianzén, Luis Ernesto
Keywords: Rentabilidad; Productividad; Producción
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 15-Feb-2021
Institution: Universidad Privada del Norte
Abstract: Para desenvolverse en un entorno tan complejo en nuestros días, la buena gestión de la empresa implica tomar decisiones correctas en momentos correctos, por cuanto las decisiones deben basarse en el análisis de hechos o de datos los cuales nos entregue información que permita ser eficientes en el uso de los recursos disponibles. En muchos casos la experiencia de un directorio o de quien toma decisiones, puede conllevar a un nivel de simplicidad en la toma de decisiones, en muchos casos sin haber pasado por un análisis adecuado.
Esta tesis se centra en analizar dos variables, la productividad y la rentabilidad, que en principio podrían suponerse correlacionadas, pero la decisión basada en ese supuesto podría ocasionar el no aprovechar los recursos, que son limitados, y por lo cual se podría no generan los resultados esperados; por cuanto se procedió a realizar el análisis de manera científica y tener una base correcta para la toma de decisiones.
La metodología utilizada es la del análisis correlacional. Se utilizó como indicadores de diagnóstico de la productividad a la Productividad Laboral, de Capital y del Activo, y como indicadores de la rentabilidad al ROA, ROE, Margen Bruto y ROS; entre los años 2000 al 2018, de la empresa Finorde.
Los resultados obtenidos para esta investigación fue que no existe correlación entre la productividad y rentabilidad de la empresa en los años en análisis.
To operate in such a complex environment today, good business management implies making the right decisions at the right times, since decisions must be based on the analysis of facts or data that provide us with information that allows us to be efficient in use. of available resources. resources. In many cases, the experience of a board of directors or decision-maker can lead to a level of simplicity in making decisions, in many cases without having gone through a proper analysis. This thesis focuses on analyzing two variables, productivity and profitability, which in principle could be assumed to be correlated, but the decision based on this assumption could lead to not taking advantage of resources, which are limited, and therefore resources could not be generated. Expected results; because the analysis was done scientifically and has a correct basis for decision making. The methodology used is that of correlational analysis. Labor Productivity, Capital Productivity and Assets were used as productivity diagnostic indicators and as profitability indicators ROA, ROE, Gross Margin and ROS; between the years 2000 to 2018, of the Finorde company. The results obtained for this research was that there is no correlation between productivity and profitability of the company in the years under analysis.
To operate in such a complex environment today, good business management implies making the right decisions at the right times, since decisions must be based on the analysis of facts or data that provide us with information that allows us to be efficient in use. of available resources. resources. In many cases, the experience of a board of directors or decision-maker can lead to a level of simplicity in making decisions, in many cases without having gone through a proper analysis. This thesis focuses on analyzing two variables, productivity and profitability, which in principle could be assumed to be correlated, but the decision based on this assumption could lead to not taking advantage of resources, which are limited, and therefore resources could not be generated. Expected results; because the analysis was done scientifically and has a correct basis for decision making. The methodology used is that of correlational analysis. Labor Productivity, Capital Productivity and Assets were used as productivity diagnostic indicators and as profitability indicators ROA, ROE, Gross Margin and ROS; between the years 2000 to 2018, of the Finorde company. The results obtained for this research was that there is no correlation between productivity and profitability of the company in the years under analysis.
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Discipline: Maestría en Administración de Empresas, Modalidad Internacional
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Privada del Norte. Escuela de Posgrado y Estudios Continuos
Grade or title: Maestro en Administración de Empresas
Juror: Flores Sotelo, William Sebastian; Balbin Ramos, Wesly Rudy; Saavedra Lopez, Carlos Pedro
Register date: 29-Apr-2021
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