Citas bibligráficas
Terrones, N., (2016). Disipación de energía hidráulica mediante cuencos amortiguadores en el canal de pendiente variable del laboratorio de la Universidad Privada del Norte, 2015 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Terrones, N., Disipación de energía hidráulica mediante cuencos amortiguadores en el canal de pendiente variable del laboratorio de la Universidad Privada del Norte, 2015 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2016.
title = "Disipación de energía hidráulica mediante cuencos amortiguadores en el canal de pendiente variable del laboratorio de la Universidad Privada del Norte, 2015",
author = "Terrones Ruiz, Nelson Yeltsin",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2016"
ABSTRACT This investigation is focused on determining experimentally hydraulic power dissipation for different types of dampers basins. For this purpose, was developed in the laboratory of hydraulics Private University of North a series of tests under six conditions of flow, so that, six experimental data were obtained for each basin. The structures under study are basins type I, II, III and IV as classified by the U.S Bureau of Reclamation; basins dissipate energy mainly by the formation of the hydraulic jump and second measured by the presence of dice baffles, blocks impact and output thresholds. Each basin has been designed and sized according to the channel characteristics of variable slope, making an additional set of tests under the same six flow conditions for the structure of dam (overflow weir double curvature), without damper basin; this group of trials it’s used to evaluate initial specific energy. The experimental analysis will evaluate the energy dissipation and relate their behavior with other physical characteristics, such as the Froude number “Fr”, the flow “Q” and the length of the hydraulic jump. As part of the experimental process, seven flow control measures were performed with the purpose of experimentally adjusting the flow equation discharge for double curvature weirs, q = 3,1587 (H) 1,6539, adjustment equation for the calculation of unit flows “q” as a function of the hydraulic load “H”. Each physical property directly measured in the laboratory (in the case of straps conjugates), or indirectly by formulas (in the case of speeds, flows and Froude number), was used to determine the energy dissipation and is set for each type of basin under study and for each of the six flow conditions. These data are presented in tables N° 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 of this report. Similarly, are presented in tables N° 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 dissipation of hydraulic energy in %, for each type of basin and each flow condition; reaching a maximum percentage of dissipation 61,70% (corresponding to the stilling type IV and flow “Q” of 0,00562 m3/s), and a minimum percentage of 31,18% (corresponding to the stilling type II and flow “Q” of 0,00978 m3/s).Other important physical characteristics in research, but not part of the calculation of energy dissipation, are the length and type of hydraulic jump, data measured by direct observation in the laboratory and are presented in Tables N° 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19; reaching a maximum length of projection of 62 cm with a hydraulic jump clear (corresponding to the weir without basin buffer) and a minimum length of 15 cm with a drowned hydraulic jump (corresponding to type III basin).
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