Citas bibligráficas
Vargas, B., (2016). Análisis comunicacional de la influencia del marketing social en la cultura de prevención de cáncer de mama en mujeres del asentamiento humano “Enrique López Albújar” de la ciudad de Piura [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Vargas, B., Análisis comunicacional de la influencia del marketing social en la cultura de prevención de cáncer de mama en mujeres del asentamiento humano “Enrique López Albújar” de la ciudad de Piura [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2016.
title = "Análisis comunicacional de la influencia del marketing social en la cultura de prevención de cáncer de mama en mujeres del asentamiento humano “Enrique López Albújar” de la ciudad de Piura",
author = "Vargas Ginocchio, Beatriz Carolina",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2016"
ABSTRACT The increase in breast cancer in the female population in Peru last year has reached a high level. Many of the diagnostics detect the cancer in an advanced stage and there are a high number of deaths caused by this disease. This research was aimed to analyze the relationship between social marketing and the culture of prevention of breast cancer as essential components in strategies for preventative public health, in this case, in women in the human settlement “Enrique López Albújar” of the district “Veintiséis de Octubre” in the Piura city. For this purpose there were 114 surveys targeting women 18 years or older in order to know the level of information they have, as well as its intention of prevention against the disease. Within this group, priority has been given to the range of women from 40 to 59 years who, according to the department of epidemiology and statistics from the “Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Neoplásicas” (INEN) of 2005 to 2014 (table 4), presents a greater number of cases of breast cancer. According to the results of the executed survey, the data shows that 94% (Appendix 33) of respondents from 40 to 59 years old had not participated in a campaign of prevention in recent years, which would confirm, along with in-depth interviews, that the presence of social marketing would be indispensable for the establishment of a program of culture of breast cancer prevention in that area. This communication strategy could help detect patients with breast cancer in the early stages, which would lead to treatments that can reverse or control the disease. In this way the Piura region would occupy second place with victims of this evil disease.
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