Citas bibligráficas
Torres, M., (2021). Evolución de la industria gastronómica en Estados Unidos en el Periodo 2008 al 2018: una revisión de la literatura científica [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Torres, M., Evolución de la industria gastronómica en Estados Unidos en el Periodo 2008 al 2018: una revisión de la literatura científica [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2021.
title = "Evolución de la industria gastronómica en Estados Unidos en el Periodo 2008 al 2018: una revisión de la literatura científica",
author = "Torres Granados de Naccha, Maria del Pilar",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2021"
The evolution of gastronomy is based on the evolution of food, products, culinary trends, business model trends, technology trends with respect to social networks, food concepts, among other factors. Consumers include food in restaurants as a concept of everyday life. The forecast of gastronomic trends of 2017 were French food, cauliflower consumption, red meat consumption, among other trends. Obesity is part of the reality of the American population in both adults and youth. The research methodology, study search criteria, data collection and criteria to be taken into account for the inclusion and exclusion of articles were detailed as follows: PICO methodology, country and years to investigate, in this way, there were included articles for the analysis of the main research question as well as the specific problems. There were some articles that did not correspond to the search criteria. In conclusion, the gastronomic evolution has different factors such as culinary trends, consumer preferences, gastronomy culture, changing consumer habits. The outstanding trends were healthy, quality and carious food, multicultural consumer. The benefits of gastronomy to cope with the high rates of obesity of the gastronomic population taking measures such as educational campaigns and practical programs that seek to promote the consumption of healthy foods. Consumer preferences are based on individual, genetic and traditional culture experience. Finally, consumer experiences regarding gastronomy contribute to the growth of factors such as economy, society and culture.
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