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Asencio, H., (2017). Abuso del derecho en la emisión de letras de cambio incompletas [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Asencio, H., Abuso del derecho en la emisión de letras de cambio incompletas [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2017.
title = "Abuso del derecho en la emisión de letras de cambio incompletas",
author = "Asencio Díaz, Hubert Edinson",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2017"
Título: Abuso del derecho en la emisión de letras de cambio incompletas
Autor(es): Asencio Díaz, Hubert Edinson
Asesor(es): Obando Peralta, Ena Cecilia
Palabras clave: Derecho civil; Letras de cambio; Abuso del derecho
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 5-dic-2017
Institución: Universidad Privada del Norte
Resumen: En la presente investigación se pone en tela de juicio la problemática surgida a
raíz de del abuso del derecho en la emisión de letras de cambio incompletas en las
relaciones establecidas entre particulares. Para ello, basándose en las teorías que
sustentan la creación de los títulos valores, es que se ha planteado como objetivo
determinar la razón de dicha problemática, por lo que se recurre a los métodos
analítico-sintético, inductivo- deductivo, así como a los propios de una investigación
jurídica como son el dogmático-jurídico, interpretativo y argumentativo. Así en primer
término se establece cómo se genera el negocio jurídico cambiario, luego cómo se
encuentra estructurado el mismo; y dentro de éste, cómo se encuentra estructurado el
elemento manifestación de la voluntad; para luego determinar cómo es que a través de
la emisión de los títulos valores antes señalados se vulnera este elemento del negocio
jurídico cambiario, acción que a la luz de la normatividad vigente encuentra amparo,
produciéndose la problemática investigada. Siendo así, se realiza un análisis de la
institución jurídica en estudio en base a su surgimiento dogmático, así como de los
mecanismos de seguridad previstos en la normatividad nacional vigente, la cual se
contrasta con las teorías que dieron origen a la misma y se realiza un breve estudio
comparado de la misma. Con ello se logró determinar que la falta de rigurosidad en
establecimiento de requisitos a nivel normativo para la emisión de títulos valores
incompletos es la razón del abuso del derecho en la emisión de dichos títulos valores.
Así se sometió a los mecanismos de seguridad que reglan la emisión de la institución
jurídica en estudio, a un análisis bajo la óptica de la corriente iusfilosófica del
tridimensionalismo jurídico, con lo cual se llega a proponer una modificatoria de la
normatividad existente que establece las reglas básicas para la creación o emisión de
dichos de títulos valores.
In the present investigation the problematic arising from the abuse of the right in the emission of incomplete bills of exchange in the relationships established between individuals is put in question. For this, based on the theories that support the creation of securities, it has been considered as an objective to determine the reason for this problem, which is why we use the analytic-synthetic, inductive-deductive methods, as well as the legal research, such as dogmatic-legal, interpretative and argumentative. Thus, first, it establishes how the legal foreign exchange business is generated, then how it is structured; and within it, how the element of the will is structured; to determine how it is that through the issuance of the securities mentioned above, this element of the legal foreign exchange transaction is violated, an action that, in light of the current regulations, finds protection, resulting in the problem investigated. Thus, an analysis of the legal institution under study is made based on its dogmatic emergence, as well as the security mechanisms provided in the current national legislation, which contrasts with the theories that gave rise to it and is performed a brief comparative study of it. In this way, it was possible to determine that the lack of rigor in the establishment of normative requirements for the issue of incomplete securities is the reason for the abuse of the right in the issuance of said securities. Thus, it was submitted to the security mechanisms that regulate the issuance of the legal institution under study, to an analysis under the lens of the philosophical stream of legal three-dimensionalism, which leads to propose a modification of the existing regulations that establish the rules for the creation or issuance of securities.
In the present investigation the problematic arising from the abuse of the right in the emission of incomplete bills of exchange in the relationships established between individuals is put in question. For this, based on the theories that support the creation of securities, it has been considered as an objective to determine the reason for this problem, which is why we use the analytic-synthetic, inductive-deductive methods, as well as the legal research, such as dogmatic-legal, interpretative and argumentative. Thus, first, it establishes how the legal foreign exchange business is generated, then how it is structured; and within it, how the element of the will is structured; to determine how it is that through the issuance of the securities mentioned above, this element of the legal foreign exchange transaction is violated, an action that, in light of the current regulations, finds protection, resulting in the problem investigated. Thus, an analysis of the legal institution under study is made based on its dogmatic emergence, as well as the security mechanisms provided in the current national legislation, which contrasts with the theories that gave rise to it and is performed a brief comparative study of it. In this way, it was possible to determine that the lack of rigor in the establishment of normative requirements for the issue of incomplete securities is the reason for the abuse of the right in the issuance of said securities. Thus, it was submitted to the security mechanisms that regulate the issuance of the legal institution under study, to an analysis under the lens of the philosophical stream of legal three-dimensionalism, which leads to propose a modification of the existing regulations that establish the rules for the creation or issuance of securities.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Doctorado en Derecho
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Privada del Norte. Escuela de Posgrado y Estudios Continuos
Grado o título: Doctor en Derecho
Fecha de registro: 7-dic-2017
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