Citas bibligráficas
Enrique, R., (2023). Colegios profesionales y su análisis por parte de las Comisión de Eliminación de Barreras Burocráticas [Trabajo académico, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Enrique, R., Colegios profesionales y su análisis por parte de las Comisión de Eliminación de Barreras Burocráticas [Trabajo académico]. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2023.
title = "Colegios profesionales y su análisis por parte de las Comisión de Eliminación de Barreras Burocráticas",
author = "Enrique Valverde, Raúl Eduardo",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2023"
INDECOPI has been attributed powers to analyze cases of bureaucratic barriers raised in professional associations, based on the administrative function that they exercise, in certain actions, such as the qualification of their professional members. The main discussion, in this regard, however, focuses on the analysis carried out to decree whether these are included in numeral 6 or 8 of article I of the Preliminary Title of the Single Ordered Text of Law No. 27444, Law of the General Administrative Procedure. The primary purpose of this work is to resolve these differences, through a concrete analysis of the legal nature of these associations. Meanwhile, the development of this thesis has the following objectives: i) Determine the legal nature of professional associations, ii) Determine if they exercise an administrative function, iii) Determine if, truly, they can be located, as a "public entity", in the numeral 6 or 8 of article I of the Preliminary Title of the TUO of the LPAG. This will lead us to conclude that these can expressly be called Public Corporate Sectoral Administrations, so they are not part of the state structure, nor are they on the list of entities established in the LPAG TUO. Consequently, as a solution mechanism and legal certainty, we propose a legislative modification that will contribute to a uniform legal practical approach, for subsequent reviews and analysis by the competent entities.
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