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Arrese, R., (2023). Mis competencias adquiridas en Psicología aplicadas en el contexto de educación superior [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Arrese, R., Mis competencias adquiridas en Psicología aplicadas en el contexto de educación superior []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2023.
title = "Mis competencias adquiridas en Psicología aplicadas en el contexto de educación superior",
author = "Arrese Neyra, Ruth Carolina",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2023"
Título: Mis competencias adquiridas en Psicología aplicadas en el contexto de educación superior
Autor(es): Arrese Neyra, Ruth Carolina
Asesor(es): Muñoz Cuadros, Rosario Patricia
Palabras clave: Estudiantes universitarios--Investigaciones--Perú--Lima; Psicopedagogía; Tecnología educativa; Trabajo en grupos (Educación)--Aprendizaje; Educación basada en competencias
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 1-jun-2023
Institución: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Resumen: El presente Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional (TSP) tiene como objetivo describir los
logros de aprendizaje alcanzados en las competencias profesionales Diagnostica, Interviene y
Evalúa durante la realización de un curso integrador y el periodo de prácticas en una
universidad privada de Lima Metropolitana. En cuanto a la competencia Diagnostica, pude
identificar el bajo nivel de actividad física en estudiantes de la Facultad de Artes de una
universidad de la ciudad de Lima, utilizando ética y responsablemente, métodos apropiados
para el recojo de información, así como plantear diversas alternativas de solución y monitorear
el avance de las soluciones propuestas. En cuanto a la competencia Interviene, pude reconocer
las dificultades de los docentes respecto al uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y la
Comunicación (TIC) y algunas herramientas de la plataforma educativa; mientras que, en
cuanto a la competencia Evalúa, la importancia de seguir evaluando las competencias genéricas
y la necesidad de adaptar los instrumentos de medición al contexto no presencial. Como
respuesta a dichas problemáticas, se diseñó y ejecutó una capacitación dirigida a quienes serían
los tutores de los docentes de posgrado. También se evaluaron las competencias genéricas
solicitadas [Aprendizaje autónomo (AA), Trabajo en Equipo (TE) y comunicación eficaz (CE)]
de manera virtual y sincrónica con dos cuestionarios en Google Forms y una prueba. Además,
con la colaboración de los docentes, se diseñaron y validaron rúbricas holísticas para medir las
competencias genéricas y específicas de una Facultad. Con respecto a los resultados, los tutores
lograron adquirir los conocimientos necesarios, lo cual se evidenció con los productos
entregados; se realizó un análisis de los resultados de las evaluaciones de AA y TE a partir del
cual se plantearon recomendaciones; y se llevó a cabo un piloto en el que se evidenció que las
rúbricas eran válidas y comprensibles para los docentes.
The present Professional Sufficiency Work [PSW] has the objective to describe the learning achievements reached in the professional competencies Diagnoses, Intervenes and Evaluates during a capstone course and the internship period in a private university in Metropolitan Lima. Regarding the Diagnostic competence, I was able to identify the low level of physical activity in students of the Arts Faculty of a university in Lima, using appropriate methods to collect information ethically and responsibly, as well as to propose various solutions alternatives and to supervise the advance of the proposed solutions. Regarding the Intervenes competence, I was able to recognize teachers’ difficulties in the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and some tools of the educational platform; while, regarding the competence Evaluates, the importance of continuing to assess generic competences and the need to adapt the measurement instruments to the virtual context. In response to these problematics, an aimed capacitation was designed and executed to those who would be the tutors of the post graduate students. Furthermore, the requested generic competencies [Autonomous Learning (AL), Teamwork (T) and Effective Communication (EC)] were also evaluated in a virtual and synchronous way with two questionnaires in Google Forms and a test. In addition, holistic rubrics were designed and validated to measure the generic and specific competences of a Faculty, with teachers’ collaboration. Regarding the results, the tutors accomplished the acquirement of the necessary knowledge, which was evidenced by the products delivered; an analysis of the results of the AL and T evaluations was carried out and recommendations were made; finally ending with performing a pilot in which it was evidenced that the rubrics were valid and understandable for teachers.
The present Professional Sufficiency Work [PSW] has the objective to describe the learning achievements reached in the professional competencies Diagnoses, Intervenes and Evaluates during a capstone course and the internship period in a private university in Metropolitan Lima. Regarding the Diagnostic competence, I was able to identify the low level of physical activity in students of the Arts Faculty of a university in Lima, using appropriate methods to collect information ethically and responsibly, as well as to propose various solutions alternatives and to supervise the advance of the proposed solutions. Regarding the Intervenes competence, I was able to recognize teachers’ difficulties in the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and some tools of the educational platform; while, regarding the competence Evaluates, the importance of continuing to assess generic competences and the need to adapt the measurement instruments to the virtual context. In response to these problematics, an aimed capacitation was designed and executed to those who would be the tutors of the post graduate students. Furthermore, the requested generic competencies [Autonomous Learning (AL), Teamwork (T) and Effective Communication (EC)] were also evaluated in a virtual and synchronous way with two questionnaires in Google Forms and a test. In addition, holistic rubrics were designed and validated to measure the generic and specific competences of a Faculty, with teachers’ collaboration. Regarding the results, the tutors accomplished the acquirement of the necessary knowledge, which was evidenced by the products delivered; an analysis of the results of the AL and T evaluations was carried out and recommendations were made; finally ending with performing a pilot in which it was evidenced that the rubrics were valid and understandable for teachers.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Psicología
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Facultad de Psicología
Grado o título: Licenciado en Psicología
Jurado: Muñoz Cuadros, Rosario Patricia; Guzmán Chávez, Blanca Angelit; Iberico Alcedo, Carlos Simón
Fecha de registro: 1-jun-2023
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