Citas bibligráficas
Castañeda, K., (2021). Cómo la capacidad estatal, la voluntad política y la autonomía de SUNEDU Y SINEACE inciden en la implementación de la política de aseguramiento de la calidad educativa, período 2014-2018 [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Castañeda, K., Cómo la capacidad estatal, la voluntad política y la autonomía de SUNEDU Y SINEACE inciden en la implementación de la política de aseguramiento de la calidad educativa, período 2014-2018 []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2021.
title = "Cómo la capacidad estatal, la voluntad política y la autonomía de SUNEDU Y SINEACE inciden en la implementación de la política de aseguramiento de la calidad educativa, período 2014-2018",
author = "Castañeda Checa, Karina",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2021"
This document is an analytical effort to identify how state capacity, autonomy and political will of SUNEDU and SINEACE have influenced in the implementation of the insurance policy of the quality since the promulgation of the new University Law until 2018, whenever it falls to them, much of the responsibility for the university higher education reform. Their importance focused on the need to know through the experience how they influence their dynamics, outcomes and achievement. The methodology applied for this research is of a qualitative nature of a descriptive-analitycal and uses secondary sources, as well as information from primary sources of a documentary type that covers document review and interviews which are semi-structured. From political science, it contributes with cycle of public policies studies and recognizes as implementation it should be constantly reviewed and followed in order to overcome the gap between the initial goals and outcomes. The previously considered variables: state capacity, political will and autonomy are the bridge to determined their level of incidence on this stage.
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