Citas bibligráficas
Jimenez, J., Flores, L. (2022). Aplicativo móvil de monitoreo y retroalimentación para enfrentar la reducida calidad del seguimiento y retroalimentación del acompañamiento pedagógico dirigida a coordinadores pedagógicos de II.EE JEC de la unidad de gestión educativa local [UGEL] - 03 de Lima Metropolitana en el marco del programa presupuestal logros de aprendizaje de los estudiantes de educación básica regular – PELA periodo 2020-2021 [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.].
Jimenez, J., Flores, L. Aplicativo móvil de monitoreo y retroalimentación para enfrentar la reducida calidad del seguimiento y retroalimentación del acompañamiento pedagógico dirigida a coordinadores pedagógicos de II.EE JEC de la unidad de gestión educativa local [UGEL] - 03 de Lima Metropolitana en el marco del programa presupuestal logros de aprendizaje de los estudiantes de educación básica regular – PELA periodo 2020-2021 []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.; 2022.
title = "Aplicativo móvil de monitoreo y retroalimentación para enfrentar la reducida calidad del seguimiento y retroalimentación del acompañamiento pedagógico dirigida a coordinadores pedagógicos de II.EE JEC de la unidad de gestión educativa local [UGEL] - 03 de Lima Metropolitana en el marco del programa presupuestal logros de aprendizaje de los estudiantes de educación básica regular – PELA periodo 2020-2021",
author = "Flores Rodriguez, Leyda Carol",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.",
year = "2022"
Improving the performance of teachers in order to achieve the achievement of student learning, as part of the long-awaited educational quality, is a challenge that remains pending and that demands from the Peruvian State proposals for solutions that have been been implemented over the last decades. Among the actions carried out, is the Pedagogical Support Program; however, this turns out to be an accompaniment without an adequate monitoring and timely feedback system that does not guarantee improvement in teaching performance; as well as the expected impact on student learning. In this sense, this research work proposes an alternative solution to the problem of quality in the monitoring and feedback of pedagogical accompaniment in full-day educational institutions. During the analysis, two causes of the problem were prioritized, these being: i) the poor development of skills and management of knowledge by the Pedagogical Coordinators of the areas assigned to them; and, ii) the limited production of evidence for the evaluation of the components and results of the pedagogical accompaniment. These causes give rise to the challenge of innovation that arises how to improve the monitoring and feedback system of pedagogical accompaniment. Although the circumscription of the innovation project is limited to the jurisdiction of UGEL 03 of Metropolitan Lima, it has been determined that it can scale to all its management units, that is, at the level of the Regional Directorate of Education. This has the capacity to implement the proposed technological alternative, since it adjusts to the needs and demands of the actors involved in the problem. The innovative solution will strengthen the professional and digital skills of the pedagogical coordinators, systematize the findings obtained from their pedagogical practice and provide effective and timely feedback to the accompanied teachers and pedagogical coordinators, complementing the internal training circles.
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