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Silva, A., (2022). Aportes para un plan de gestión de escombros por sismo en la zona del río Seco de Huaraz [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Silva, A., Aportes para un plan de gestión de escombros por sismo en la zona del río Seco de Huaraz []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2022.
title = "Aportes para un plan de gestión de escombros por sismo en la zona del río Seco de Huaraz",
author = "Silva Carranza, Ana Virginia",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2022"
Título: Aportes para un plan de gestión de escombros por sismo en la zona del río Seco de Huaraz
Autor(es): Silva Carranza, Ana Virginia
Asesor(es): Santa Cruz Hidalgo, Sandra Cecilia
Palabras clave: Terremotos--Residuos--Administración; Desastres--Administración--Perú--Huaraz; Terremotos--Riesgo--Administración
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 20-jun-2022
Institución: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Resumen: La falta de planificación ha ocasionado la ocupación de zonas expuestas a múltiples
peligros naturales debido a las precarias condiciones sociales y económicas. La
ocurrencia de un evento sísmico en asentamientos humanos cercanos a cauces de ríos
podría ocasionar gran cantidad de escombros y, en una acción desesperada y poco
planificada de la población, los escombros podrían terminar en el cauce, aumentando el
riesgo de inundación en estaciones de lluvias. La correcta gestión de riesgos de desastres
requiere de planes de gestión de escombros que permita su correcto manejo y disposición
final. Para ello es necesario la realización de un estudio ex ante que estime la distribución
de escombros después de un escenario sísmico probable.
Este trabajo se aplica a un caso de estudio en la ciudad de Huaraz, específicamente la
zona del río Seco. El objetivo de este trabajo es estimar la cantidad y distribución de los
escombros y dar recomendaciones para la formulación de un plan de gestión de
escombros posdesastre. La zona del río Seco, que sólo tiene discurrimiento de aguas en
estaciones de lluvia, se ubica en un área amenazada por sismos e inundaciones y que ha
tenido un fuerte crecimiento poblacional en los últimos años. A lo largo del cauce ocurre
el fenómeno de colmatación debido al transporte de material que genera peligro a un
asentamiento humano. La metodología del estudio se basó en un enfoque de la
cuantificación y mapeo de las pérdidas de stock de material después de un evento sísmico.
Primero, se estimó el stock de material de construcción, luego se evaluó el riesgo sísmico
y por último se estimaron las pérdidas y mapeo de los escombros generados con un
enfoque probabilista en el marco de Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering, PBEE.
Los resultados indican que el volumen de escombros es de 89 mil m3 y 105.8 mil m3,
con 0.27 y 0.33 ton/m2 construido para los escenarios de 45 y 100 años de periodo de
retorno, respectivamente. La distribución espacial muestra que las zonas norte y oeste
presentan mayor acumulación de escombros afectando una vía de acceso principal. Las
principales recomendaciones son: gestionar planes de reforzamiento de viviendas,
realizar campañas de concientización, elaborar protocolos de reaprovechamiento de
materiales y definir posibles sitios de escombreras. Esta información fue entregada a la
autoridad edil para orientar las acciones de respuesta en poblaciones situadas cerca del
curso hidrográfico como la zona del río Seco.
The lack of planning has occasioned the occupation of areas exposed to multiple natural hazards due to precarious social and economic conditions. The occurrence of a seismic event in human settlements near riverbeds could cause a large amount of debris and, in a desperate and unplanned action by the population, the debris could end up in the riverbed, increasing the risk of flooding in rainy seasons. The correct disaster risk management requires debris management plans that allow its correct management and final disposal. For this, it is necessary to carry out an ex-ante study to estimate the distribution of debris after a probable seismic scenario. This work is applied to a case study in the city of Huaraz, specifically in the area of the Seco River. The objective of this work is to estimate the quantity and distribution of debris and to provide recommendations for the formulation of a post-disaster debris management plan. The area of the Seco river, which only has a water flow during rainy seasons, is located in an area threatened by earthquakes and floods and has experienced strong population growth in recent years. Along the riverbed, the phenomenon of sedimentation occurs due to the transport of material that generates danger to a human settlement. The methodology of the study was based on an approach of quantification and mapping of material stock losses after a seismic event. First, the building material stock was estimated, then the seismic risk was evaluated and finally, the losses and mapping of the generated debris were estimated with a probabilistic approach in the framework of Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering, PBEE. The results indicate that the volume of debris is 89 thousand m3 and 105.8 thousand m3, with 0.27 and 0.33 ton/m2 constructed for the 45 and 100 year return period scenarios, respectively. The spatial distribution shows that the north and west zones present a greater accumulation of debris affecting the main access road. The main recommendations are: manage housing reinforcement plans, carry out awareness campaigns, develop protocols for reuse of materials and define possible dump sites. This information was provided to the municipal authorities to guide response actions in towns located near the hydrographic course, such as the area of the Seco River.
The lack of planning has occasioned the occupation of areas exposed to multiple natural hazards due to precarious social and economic conditions. The occurrence of a seismic event in human settlements near riverbeds could cause a large amount of debris and, in a desperate and unplanned action by the population, the debris could end up in the riverbed, increasing the risk of flooding in rainy seasons. The correct disaster risk management requires debris management plans that allow its correct management and final disposal. For this, it is necessary to carry out an ex-ante study to estimate the distribution of debris after a probable seismic scenario. This work is applied to a case study in the city of Huaraz, specifically in the area of the Seco River. The objective of this work is to estimate the quantity and distribution of debris and to provide recommendations for the formulation of a post-disaster debris management plan. The area of the Seco river, which only has a water flow during rainy seasons, is located in an area threatened by earthquakes and floods and has experienced strong population growth in recent years. Along the riverbed, the phenomenon of sedimentation occurs due to the transport of material that generates danger to a human settlement. The methodology of the study was based on an approach of quantification and mapping of material stock losses after a seismic event. First, the building material stock was estimated, then the seismic risk was evaluated and finally, the losses and mapping of the generated debris were estimated with a probabilistic approach in the framework of Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering, PBEE. The results indicate that the volume of debris is 89 thousand m3 and 105.8 thousand m3, with 0.27 and 0.33 ton/m2 constructed for the 45 and 100 year return period scenarios, respectively. The spatial distribution shows that the north and west zones present a greater accumulation of debris affecting the main access road. The main recommendations are: manage housing reinforcement plans, carry out awareness campaigns, develop protocols for reuse of materials and define possible dump sites. This information was provided to the municipal authorities to guide response actions in towns located near the hydrographic course, such as the area of the Seco River.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Ingeniería Civil con mención en Gestión de Riesgos Naturales
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Escuela de Posgrado
Grado o título: Maestro en Ingeniería Civil con mención en Gestión de Riesgos Naturales
Jurado: Dueñas Davila, Federico Alexis; Santa Cruz Hidalgo, Sandra Cecilia; Zeballos Cabrera, Antonio
Fecha de registro: 20-jun-2022
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