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Valverde, S., Torres, V., Pérez, G., Alberca, M. (2023). Modelo prolab: Misan Plas ready to cook [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Valverde, S., Torres, V., Pérez, G., Alberca, M. Modelo prolab: Misan Plas ready to cook []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2023.
title = "Modelo prolab: Misan Plas ready to cook",
author = "Alberca Pérez, Miguel Enrique",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2023"
Título: Modelo prolab: Misan Plas ready to cook
Autor(es): Valverde Navarrete, Sylvia Antonia; Torres Kari, Viviana Reyna Delicia; Pérez Alegría, Gustavo; Alberca Pérez, Miguel Enrique
Asesor(es): Vela Velásquez, Julio César
Palabras clave: Negocios--Planificación; Emprendimiento--Perú; Desarrollo sostenible--Perú; Gastronomía--Perú
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 2-may-2023
Institución: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Resumen: El proceso de cocinar en el hogar puede ser una actividad que genera muchas frustraciones en
los responsables de la preparación de los alimentos diarios en el hogar. Estas frustraciones van
relacionadas fundamentalmente al poco tiempo del que el usuario dispone para cocinar y a la
complejidad que puede suponer preparar platillos variados y sabrosos en pocos minutos.
Así, se identificó que los responsables de la cocina en el hogar tienen la necesidad de
preparar alimentos ricos de manera fácil, rápida y con la menor generación de desperdicios
En ese contexto, “Misan Plas Ready to Cook” se presenta como una solución que
permite a los encargados de la preparación de alimentos en el hogar planificar sus menús diarios
y según los ingredientes que requiera, le provee insumos básicos preelaborados, porcionados y
congelados listos para cocinar. De esa manera, se facilita el proceso de preparación
disminuyendo tiempos y desperdicios en el proceso.
Para concluir, el modelo de negocio tiene los siguientes impactos: social, pues es una
solución alineada a los ODS Salud y Bienestar y Producción y Consumo Responsable;
económico, ya que en el lapso de cinco años se proyecta un VAN de S/. 1,138,934 una TIR
anual de 124 %, y ambiental, pues influirá ́en la reducción de la huella de carbono, el consumo
de agua y disminución de generación de desechos orgánicos.
The process of cooking at home can be an activity that generates many frustrations for those responsible for preparing daily food. These frustrations are fundamentally related to the little time the user must cook and the complexity that preparing varied and tasty dishes in a few minutes can entail. Therefore, it was identified that those responsible for the kitchen in the homes have the need to prepare delicious foods easily, quickly and with the least possible generation of waste. In this context, "Misan Plas Ready to Cook" is presented as a solution that allows those responsible for preparing food at home to plan their daily menus and according to the ingredients required, it provides basic pre-prepared, portioned, and ready-frozen ingredients to cook. In this way, the food preparation process is facilitated, reducing time and waste in the process. To conclude, the business model has the following impacts: social, as it is a solution aligned with the SDGs Good Health and Well-being and Responsible Consumption and Production; economic, since in the period of five years a NPV of S/. 1,138,934 is projected, an annual IRR of 124%, and environmental, since it will influence the reduction of the carbon footprint, water consumption and reduction of organic waste generation.
The process of cooking at home can be an activity that generates many frustrations for those responsible for preparing daily food. These frustrations are fundamentally related to the little time the user must cook and the complexity that preparing varied and tasty dishes in a few minutes can entail. Therefore, it was identified that those responsible for the kitchen in the homes have the need to prepare delicious foods easily, quickly and with the least possible generation of waste. In this context, "Misan Plas Ready to Cook" is presented as a solution that allows those responsible for preparing food at home to plan their daily menus and according to the ingredients required, it provides basic pre-prepared, portioned, and ready-frozen ingredients to cook. In this way, the food preparation process is facilitated, reducing time and waste in the process. To conclude, the business model has the following impacts: social, as it is a solution aligned with the SDGs Good Health and Well-being and Responsible Consumption and Production; economic, since in the period of five years a NPV of S/. 1,138,934 is projected, an annual IRR of 124%, and environmental, since it will influence the reduction of the carbon footprint, water consumption and reduction of organic waste generation.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Emprendimiento y Nuevos Negocios
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. CENTRUM
Grado o título: Maestro en Emprendimiento y Nuevos Negocios
Jurado: Alfredo Martin Luna Briceño; Sergio Andres Lopez Orchard; Julio César Vela Velásquez
Fecha de registro: 2-may-2023
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