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Agreda, M., Moreno, A., Salamanca, J., Valencia, G. (2022). Business consulting – Asema Camisea SAC [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Agreda, M., Moreno, A., Salamanca, J., Valencia, G. Business consulting – Asema Camisea SAC []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2022.
title = "Business consulting – Asema Camisea SAC",
author = "Valencia Perea, Gustavo Felix",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2022"
Título: Business consulting – Asema Camisea SAC
Autor(es): Agreda Contreras, Michael Randal Alberto; Moreno Guzmán, Aristarco Heráclito; Salamanca Calderón, Jesús Derlis; Valencia Perea, Gustavo Felix
Asesor(es): Bazán Tejada, Carlos Armando
Palabras clave: Consultores de empresas--Planificación estratégica; Logística empresarial; Comunidades nativas--Perú; COVID-19 (Enfermedad)
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 9-mar-2022
Institución: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Resumen: Asema Camisea S.A.C. (Asema) nace en marzo del 2016 como un emprendimiento de
la Comunidad Nativa de Camisea; siendo en la actualidad la empresa logística más
importante de la región del bajo Urubamba, distrito de Megantoni.
Es una compañía especializada en logística multimodal, con un directorio conformado
por pobladores de la zona conocedores de la problemática y las necesidades de la comunidad.
Además de la ubicación estratégica y de generar un impacto positivo, reporta ingresos para la
La logística integral que brinda la hace una de las más solicitadas en la zona, cuyas
diversas actividades, entre ellas el traslado de carga y pasajeros, aunadas con los más altos
estándares del mercado, le permite tener contratos con las más importantes compañías
petroleras de la región como son Pluspetrol, CNPC, Repsol, la empresa transportadora de gas
TGP y su operador COGA, además con las constructoras TECHINT, SICIM y la
municipalidad de Megantoni.
La pandemia del Covid-19 detuvo la mayoría de sus operaciones. A pesar de que la
demanda ha aumentado, no se vislumbra una mejora tangible en la situación actual.
Luego de analizar la situación, identificamos que los mayores problemas son la
dependencia de los ingresos en la línea de negocio del transporte fluvial y además una
dependencia de un solo gran cliente.
En este sentido, se propone un plan para la reactivación del transporte fluvial durante
la pandemia y la implementación del servicio de hoteles como nueva línea de negocio.
Asema Camisea S.A.C. (Asema) was established in March 2016 as a company of the Camisea Native Community; currently being the most important logistics company in the lower Urubamba region, Megantoni district. It’s a company specialized in multimodal logistics, with a directory made up of residents who are knowledgeable about the problems and the needs of the community. In addition to the strategic location and generating a positive impact, this firm also provides income for the community. The integral logistics services that it provides makes it one of the most requested in the area, whose various activities, including the cargo and passengers transfer, combined with the highest market standards, allows it to have contracts with the most important oil companies in the region such as Pluspetrol, CNPC, Repsol, TGP (the gas transport company) and its operator COGA, as well as the construction companies TECHINT, SICIM and the municipality of Megantoni. With the Covid-19 pandemic, demand has increased but most of the operations are on standstill until a favorable situation can be attained. After analyzing the situation, we identified that the greatest problems are the dependence on income in the river transport business line and also a dependence on a single large customer. In view of this, a plan is being proposed for the reactivation of river transport during the pandemic and the implementation of the camp service as a new line of business.
Asema Camisea S.A.C. (Asema) was established in March 2016 as a company of the Camisea Native Community; currently being the most important logistics company in the lower Urubamba region, Megantoni district. It’s a company specialized in multimodal logistics, with a directory made up of residents who are knowledgeable about the problems and the needs of the community. In addition to the strategic location and generating a positive impact, this firm also provides income for the community. The integral logistics services that it provides makes it one of the most requested in the area, whose various activities, including the cargo and passengers transfer, combined with the highest market standards, allows it to have contracts with the most important oil companies in the region such as Pluspetrol, CNPC, Repsol, TGP (the gas transport company) and its operator COGA, as well as the construction companies TECHINT, SICIM and the municipality of Megantoni. With the Covid-19 pandemic, demand has increased but most of the operations are on standstill until a favorable situation can be attained. After analyzing the situation, we identified that the greatest problems are the dependence on income in the river transport business line and also a dependence on a single large customer. In view of this, a plan is being proposed for the reactivation of river transport during the pandemic and the implementation of the camp service as a new line of business.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Administración Estratégica de Empresas
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. CENTRUM
Grado o título: Maestro en Administración Estratégica de Empresas
Jurado: Nicolás Andrés Núñez Morales; Daniel Eduardo Salas Diaz; Carlos Armando Bazan Tejada
Fecha de registro: 9-mar-2022
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