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Moreano, Á., Sandoval, A., Ramos, I., Díaz, L., Martínez, L. (2022). Aversión al riesgo en ejecutivos de empresas peruanas [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Moreano, Á., Sandoval, A., Ramos, I., Díaz, L., Martínez, L. Aversión al riesgo en ejecutivos de empresas peruanas []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2022.
title = "Aversión al riesgo en ejecutivos de empresas peruanas",
author = "Martínez Rodríguez, Luis Alberto",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2022"
Título: Aversión al riesgo en ejecutivos de empresas peruanas
Autor(es): Moreano Rodríguez, Álvaro; Sandoval Dávila, Anthony Celso; Ramos Suárez, Inés Verónica; Díaz Vargas, Libby Jeannette; Martínez Rodríguez, Luis Alberto
Asesor(es): Núñez Morales, Nicolás Andrés
Palabras clave: Empresas--Perú; Desarrollo sostenible--Empresas; Riesgo (Economía)--Perú; Consultores de empresas
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 9-nov-2022
Institución: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Resumen: Esta investigación tiene como objeto evaluar el sesgo cognitivo de la aversión al
riesgo utilizando la herramienta planteada por Holt &Laury(2002) en personas con cargos de
responsabilidad a nivel estratégico y táctico en las empresas. Se realizó una revisión de
literatura sobre los sesgos cognitivos y su incidencia a nivel de la administración de
empresas. Kahneman y Tversky (1974) los precursores del enfoque definen los sesgos
cognitivos como distorsiones en la observación de la realidad, que implica errores
sistémicos al emitir un juicio. Estos sesgos cognitivos influyen en la toma de decisiones de
los individuos que los pueden llevar a elegir opciones de menor beneficio, esto tiene una gran
implicación a nivel de los tomadores de decisiones en las empresas ya que conllevan mayor
responsabilidad y sus decisiones tiene mayor repercusión en la sostenibilidad de las
El presente estudio se desarrolló bajo un enfoque cuantitativo fue de diseño no experimental
y midió el grado de aversión al riesgo en un grupo de población peruana con las siguientes
características tener cargos de responsabilidad a nivel estratégico y táctica en la empresa, con
personal a cargo y que tomen decisiones estratégicas a nivel administrativo. La muestra fue
no probabilística de tipo por conveniencia con un total de 285 participantes distribuidos en
tres grupos A, B, C.
La evaluación de la aversión al riesgo por método de Holt &Laury (2002) permite medir el
sesgo de aversión al riesgo en un juego hipotético de loterías en una muestra de peruanos con
cargos de responsabilidad a nivel estratégico y táctico en las empresas, la población del
estudio mostró un mayor grado de aversión al riesgo respecto a los resultados del estudio de
Holt &Laury (2002) clasificándolos en el rango relativo de aversión al riesgo, como aversos
al riesgo. Para una evaluación más precisa y exacta de los sesgos cognitivos en contextos particulares
se recomienda el desarrollo o búsqueda de herramientas específicas como las desarrolladas en
la investigación de Manzanal (2017) en el cual se utilizó una adaptación de la herramienta de
Holt &Laury (2002) para medir en empresarios PyMEs la presencia de heurísticas como lo
referencia el autor.
La revisión de literatura arroja que son muy poco los estudios de este tipo en países de habla
hispana, y que los estudios de economía conductual o economía del comportamiento están
apenas floreciendo en la investigación de estas disciplinas.
This research aims to evaluate the cognitive bias of risk aversion using the tool proposed by Holt & Laury (2002) in people with positions of responsibility at a strategic and tactical level in companies. A literature review on cognitive biases and their incidence at the level of business administration was carried out. Kahneman and Tversky (1974) the precursors of the approach define cognitive biases as distortions in the observation of reality, which implies systemic errors when making a judgment. These cognitive biases influence the decision making of individuals that can lead them to choose options of lower benefit, this has a great implication at the level of decision makers in companies since they carry greater responsibility and their decisions have a greater impact on the sustainability of companies. The present study was developed under a quantitative approach, it was of a non-experimental design and it measured the degree of risk aversion in a Peruvian population group with the following characteristics: having positions of responsibility at a strategic and tactical level in the company, with personnel in charge and to make strategic decisions at the administrative level. The sample was non-probabilistic of the convenience type with a total of 285 participants distributed in three groups A, B, C. The evaluation of risk aversion by the method of Holt & Laury (2002) allows to measure the risk aversion bias in a hypothetical lottery game in a sample of Peruvians with positions of responsibility at the strategic and tactical level in companies, the population of the This study showed a higher degree of risk aversion compared to the results of the study by Holt & Laury (2002), classifying them in the relative range of risk aversion, as risk averse. For a more precise and accurate evaluation of cognitive biases in particular contexts, the development or search for specific tools such as those developed in the Manzanal (2017) research is recommended, in which an adaptation of the Holt & Laury (2002) tool was used. to measure in SME entrepreneurs the presence of heuristics as the author references. The literature review shows that there are very few studies of this type in Spanish-speaking countries, and that studies of behavioral economics or behavioral economics are barely flourishing in the research of these disciplines.
This research aims to evaluate the cognitive bias of risk aversion using the tool proposed by Holt & Laury (2002) in people with positions of responsibility at a strategic and tactical level in companies. A literature review on cognitive biases and their incidence at the level of business administration was carried out. Kahneman and Tversky (1974) the precursors of the approach define cognitive biases as distortions in the observation of reality, which implies systemic errors when making a judgment. These cognitive biases influence the decision making of individuals that can lead them to choose options of lower benefit, this has a great implication at the level of decision makers in companies since they carry greater responsibility and their decisions have a greater impact on the sustainability of companies. The present study was developed under a quantitative approach, it was of a non-experimental design and it measured the degree of risk aversion in a Peruvian population group with the following characteristics: having positions of responsibility at a strategic and tactical level in the company, with personnel in charge and to make strategic decisions at the administrative level. The sample was non-probabilistic of the convenience type with a total of 285 participants distributed in three groups A, B, C. The evaluation of risk aversion by the method of Holt & Laury (2002) allows to measure the risk aversion bias in a hypothetical lottery game in a sample of Peruvians with positions of responsibility at the strategic and tactical level in companies, the population of the This study showed a higher degree of risk aversion compared to the results of the study by Holt & Laury (2002), classifying them in the relative range of risk aversion, as risk averse. For a more precise and accurate evaluation of cognitive biases in particular contexts, the development or search for specific tools such as those developed in the Manzanal (2017) research is recommended, in which an adaptation of the Holt & Laury (2002) tool was used. to measure in SME entrepreneurs the presence of heuristics as the author references. The literature review shows that there are very few studies of this type in Spanish-speaking countries, and that studies of behavioral economics or behavioral economics are barely flourishing in the research of these disciplines.
Enlace al repositorio:
Disciplina académico-profesional: Administración Estratégica de Empresas
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. CENTRUM
Grado o título: Maestro en Administración Estratégica de Empresas
Jurado: José Carlos Véliz Palomino; Maria del Carmen Arrieta Quispe; Nicolás Andrés Núñez Morales
Fecha de registro: 9-nov-2022
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