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Urbina, H., (2023). La calificación registral de los títulos pendientes compatibles. [Trabajo académico, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Urbina, H., La calificación registral de los títulos pendientes compatibles. [Trabajo académico]. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2023.
title = "La calificación registral de los títulos pendientes compatibles.",
author = "Urbina Vásquez, Humberto Jaime",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2023"
Title: La calificación registral de los títulos pendientes compatibles.
Authors(s): Urbina Vásquez, Humberto Jaime
Advisor(s): Gonzales Loli, Jorge Luis
Keywords: Registros públicos--Legislación--Perú; Títulos de propiedad--Legislación--Perú; Tribunales--Jurisprudencia--Perú
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 12-Oct-2023
Institution: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Abstract: Con el presente trabajo de investigación analizamos y estudiamos el proceder del
Registrador Público en la calificación registral de títulos pendientes de inscripción referidos
a una misma partida registral; por ser uno de los principios más importantes el de prioridad
registral (Prioridad preferente y prioridad excluyente) en la calificación registral, siendo la
existencia de éste supuesto muy seguido en el quehacer diario del Registrador Público.
Los métodos empleados son el exegético, dogmático y funcional, como método general el
analítico – sintético, pese a estar regulado la definición de títulos incompatibles, la
calificación registral de títulos pendientes compatibles e incompatibles en el TUO del
Reglamento General de los Registros Públicos (TUO RGRP); algunos Registradores
Públicos no tienen en cuenta o analizan la incompatibilidad o no al momento de calificar
títulos pendientes vinculados a la misma partida registral; por lo que, se propone establecer
de manera expresa la obligación como parte de la calificación registral el analizar y/o
determinar si los títulos pendientes son compatibles o incompatibles en la esquela de
observación, tacha o suspensión del título.
El Tribunal Registral aprobó un precedente de observancia obligatoria en el año 2003,
referido a la calificación de títulos pendientes, en octubre del año 2020 se ha modificado el
TUO del Reglamento General de los Registros Públicos; sin embargo, algunos Registradores
Públicos siguen calificando, suspendiendo el título presentado con posterioridad sin analizar
la incompatibilidad o no de los títulos presentados en la misma partida registral.
Finalmente, se propone modificar el artículo 26 del TUO RGRP a fin de establecer como
una obligación del Registrador Público y del Tribunal Registral determinar si un título
pendiente es compatible o incompatible con el título presentado anteriormente, debiendo
verificar y pronunciarse sobre la incompatibilidad o no de los títulos pendientes de
inscripción referentes a la misma partida registral que puedan impedir de manera transitoria
o definitivamente la inscripción, no siendo materia de sanción en caso el Registrador Público
considere una falsa incompatibilidad.
The present research work includes the analysis of the procedure of the Public Registrar in the qualification of titles pending registration referring to the same registration item, the specific methods used are exegetical, dogmatic and functional, being the general method analytical - synthetic, despite the fact of being regulated the definition of incompatible titles, the registration qualification of compatible and incompatible pending titles in the TUO of the General Regulation of Public Registries; the Public Registrars do not take into account or analyze the incompatibility or not at the time of qualifying pending titles referring to the same registration item; therefore, it is proposed to expressly establish the obligation as part of the registry qualification to analyze and/or determine if the pending titles are incompatible or not in the obituary of observation, strikethrough or suspension of the title. The Registry Court has approved a precedent of mandatory observance in 2003, referring to the qualification of pending titles, in October 2020 the TUO of the General Regulations of Public Registries has been modified; however, some Public Registrars continue to qualify by suspending the title presented later without analyzing the incompatibility or not of the titles presented in the same registry item. Finally, it is proposed to modify article 26 and subparagraph b) of article 32 of the TUO of the General Regulation of Public Registries in order to establish as an obligation of the Public Registrar and the Registry Court to determine if a pending title is incompatible with the title presented previously, having to verify and pronounce on the incompatibility or not of the pending titles related to the same registration item that may temporarily or permanently prevent registration.
The present research work includes the analysis of the procedure of the Public Registrar in the qualification of titles pending registration referring to the same registration item, the specific methods used are exegetical, dogmatic and functional, being the general method analytical - synthetic, despite the fact of being regulated the definition of incompatible titles, the registration qualification of compatible and incompatible pending titles in the TUO of the General Regulation of Public Registries; the Public Registrars do not take into account or analyze the incompatibility or not at the time of qualifying pending titles referring to the same registration item; therefore, it is proposed to expressly establish the obligation as part of the registry qualification to analyze and/or determine if the pending titles are incompatible or not in the obituary of observation, strikethrough or suspension of the title. The Registry Court has approved a precedent of mandatory observance in 2003, referring to the qualification of pending titles, in October 2020 the TUO of the General Regulations of Public Registries has been modified; however, some Public Registrars continue to qualify by suspending the title presented later without analyzing the incompatibility or not of the titles presented in the same registry item. Finally, it is proposed to modify article 26 and subparagraph b) of article 32 of the TUO of the General Regulation of Public Registries in order to establish as an obligation of the Public Registrar and the Registry Court to determine if a pending title is incompatible with the title presented previously, having to verify and pronounce on the incompatibility or not of the pending titles related to the same registration item that may temporarily or permanently prevent registration.
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Discipline: Derecho Registral
Grade or title grantor: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Facultad de Derecho
Grade or title: Segunda Especialidad en Derecho Registral
Register date: 12-Oct-2023
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