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Arenas, C., Gifford, S. (2023). Applying CAD/CAE/CAM Techniques for Optimizing the Design and Reducing the Cost of a Pediatric Stander [Universidad de Lima].
Arenas, C., Gifford, S. Applying CAD/CAE/CAM Techniques for Optimizing the Design and Reducing the Cost of a Pediatric Stander []. PE: Universidad de Lima; 2023.
title = "Applying CAD/CAE/CAM Techniques for Optimizing the Design and Reducing the Cost of a Pediatric Stander",
author = "Gifford Velasquez, Sebastian Ricardo",
publisher = "Universidad de Lima",
year = "2023"
Título: Applying CAD/CAE/CAM Techniques for Optimizing the Design and Reducing the Cost of a Pediatric Stander
Asesor(es): Flores Pérez, Alberto Enrique
Palabras clave: Equipos ortopédicos; Instrumentos y aparatos médicos; Revisión bibliográfica; Medical instruments and apparatus; Orthopedic equipment; Bibliographical revision
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Institución: Universidad de Lima
Resumen: A pediatric stander is an adapted piece of equipment whose function is to achieve the vertical position of the child when motor control is inadequate, in other words, when the child cannot stand and control his weight against gravity, having the age to do it. This technical equipment is necessary for patients diagnosed with cerebral palsy who have already acquired head control and initiated trunk control. This product has a high value in Peru. For the generation of this equipment, we will apply a computer editing and design process, we will follow a 5-step process in addition to applying CAD, CAE, and CAM techniques, emphasizing the design optimization method. Finally, we will verify how the application of this methodology, together with computer simulation, allows us to generate a functional, resistant prototype and, in the main point, with optimization in design and acquisition costs.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Ingeniería Industrial
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad de Lima. Facultad de Ingeniería y Arquitectura
Grado o título: Ingeniero Industrial
Jurado: Quiroz Flores, Juan Carlos; Collao Diaz, Martin Fidel; Florez Pérez, Alberto Enrique
Fecha de registro: 16-nov-2023
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