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Depaz, M., Vega, C. (2022). Sistema de planificación financiera para micropymes formales del sector servicios [Universidad de Lima].
Depaz, M., Vega, C. Sistema de planificación financiera para micropymes formales del sector servicios []. PE: Universidad de Lima; 2022.
title = "Sistema de planificación financiera para micropymes formales del sector servicios",
author = "Vega Gallegos, Carlos Alejandro",
publisher = "Universidad de Lima",
year = "2022"
Title: Sistema de planificación financiera para micropymes formales del sector servicios
Advisor(s): Linares Barbero, Manuela
Keywords: Financial administration; Financial statements; Cash flow; Small business; Administración financiera; Estados financieros; Flujo de caja; Pequeñas y medianas empresas
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2022
Institution: Universidad de Lima
Abstract: En el Perú, según los datos de la página web del Ministerio de la Producción al
2019; el segmento empresarial representa el 99,6% del total de empresas formales en la
economía peruana. Siendo el 96,04% son micropymes; de las cuales el 87,9% de ellas
se dedican a la actividad de comercio y servicios, y el 12,1% a la actividad productiva.
Muchas empresas han surgido a consecuencia de la pandemia o por necesidades
laborales, estos emprendimientos se han desarrollado en diferentes rubros y tamaños,
dependiendo de su actividad económica. Debido a este crecimiento del sector
empresarial y a los cambios tecnológicos hemos entrevistado a micro emprendedores
del sector servicios, identificando una problemática en común, no cuenta con una
herramienta sistemática que les permita tener información financiera en líneas para la
toma de decisiones, actualmente las soluciones existentes no cumplen con las
expectativas que ellos necesitan y requieren.
Como solución se desarrolló un Sistemas de Planificación Financiera para micropymes
formales del Sector Servicios enfocadas en el Flujo de Caja. El presente proyecto buscó
a través del uso del design thinking identificar las necesidades principales, modelo la
solución e implementarlo mediante el marco de trabajo scrum. Se utilizó para nuestro
Producto Mínimo Viable (MVP) una solución escalable, segura, confiable y de alta
disponibilidad usando como medio de acceso el Internet. En la arquitectura se muestro
tres capas: Cliente, API Manager y Transaccional. El lenguaje que se utilizó para el
desarrollo de la web es Angular, y como base de datos usaremos MySQL, MariaDB
In our country, many companies have arisen due to this pandemic situation or due to labor needs, these enterprises have been developed in different areas and sizes, depending on their economic activity. In Peru, according to data from the website of the Ministry of Production as of 2019; the business segment represents 99.6% of the total of formal companies in the Peruvian economy. Being 96.04% are micro-SMEs; of which 87.9% of them are dedicated to the activity of commerce and services, and the rest 12.1% to the productive activity (Ministry of production, 2019). Due to the growth of the business sector and technological changes, we have interviewed micro entrepreneurs in the service sector, identifying a common problem, they do not have a systematic tool that allows them to have financial information in line for decision making, currently the existing solutions do not they meet the expectations they need and require. As a solution, a Financial Planning System will be developed for formal micro-SMEs in the Service Sector focused on Cash Flow. This project seeks through the use of design thinking to identify the main needs, model the solution and implement it through the scrum framework. Using for our Minimum Viable Product (MVP) a scalable, secure, reliable and high availability solution using the Internet as a means of access. The architecture shows three layers: Client, API Manager and Transactional. The language used for web development is Angular, and as a database we will use MySQL, MariaDB 10.6
In our country, many companies have arisen due to this pandemic situation or due to labor needs, these enterprises have been developed in different areas and sizes, depending on their economic activity. In Peru, according to data from the website of the Ministry of Production as of 2019; the business segment represents 99.6% of the total of formal companies in the Peruvian economy. Being 96.04% are micro-SMEs; of which 87.9% of them are dedicated to the activity of commerce and services, and the rest 12.1% to the productive activity (Ministry of production, 2019). Due to the growth of the business sector and technological changes, we have interviewed micro entrepreneurs in the service sector, identifying a common problem, they do not have a systematic tool that allows them to have financial information in line for decision making, currently the existing solutions do not they meet the expectations they need and require. As a solution, a Financial Planning System will be developed for formal micro-SMEs in the Service Sector focused on Cash Flow. This project seeks through the use of design thinking to identify the main needs, model the solution and implement it through the scrum framework. Using for our Minimum Viable Product (MVP) a scalable, secure, reliable and high availability solution using the Internet as a means of access. The architecture shows three layers: Client, API Manager and Transactional. The language used for web development is Angular, and as a database we will use MySQL, MariaDB 10.6
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Discipline: Ingeniería de Sistemas
Grade or title grantor: Universidad de Lima. Facultad de Ingeniería y Arquitectura
Grade or title: Ingeniero de Sistemas
Juror: Rodriguez Rodriguez, Nadia Katherine; Miranda Pacheco, Jorge Victor; Saravia Torres, Pedro Humberto
Register date: 17-May-2022
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