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Sierra, S., (2024). Elaboración y producción del videoclip "Ruricancho" [Universidad de Lima].
Sierra, S., Elaboración y producción del videoclip "Ruricancho" []. PE: Universidad de Lima; 2024.
title = "Elaboración y producción del videoclip "Ruricancho"",
author = "Sierra Espinoza, Sabiel Raul",
publisher = "Universidad de Lima",
year = "2024"
Title: Elaboración y producción del videoclip "Ruricancho"
Authors(s): Sierra Espinoza, Sabiel Raul
Advisor(s): Cruz Valencia, Ana Caroline
Keywords: Videos musicales; Jóvenes; Identidad cultural; San Juan de Lurigancho, Lima (Perú : Distrito); Music videos; Young adults; Cultural identity
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2024
Institution: Universidad de Lima
Abstract: El presente documento describe las etapas de producción de la canción y el videoclip del tema "Ruricancho", primer sencillo de la banda “Los Gatos de San Juan” para el proyecto
“Ruricancho”. El objetivo principal fue representar la misión de dicho proyecto y lograr
un producto musical y audiovisual que motive a los jóvenes de San Juan de Lurigancho
a sentirse orgullosos de su distrito.
Este proceso comprende dos etapas: la primera inicia con la composición y
grabación de la canción, seguida de la producción y rodaje del videoclip. En ese sentido,
a partir del análisis del perfil del joven adulto de San Juan de Lurigancho y las cualidades
sociales, históricas y culturales del distrito, se escribe una letra que invite a la reflexión y
los motive a conocer con mayor profundidad su entorno.
This document describes the production stages of the song and video clip of "Ruricancho", the first single by the band “Los Gatos de San Juan” for the “Ruricancho” project. The main objective was to represent the mission’s project and achieve a musical and audiovisual product that motivates the young people of San Juan de Lurigancho to feel proud of their district. This process includes two stages: the first begins with the composition and recording of the song; followed by the production and filming of the video clip. In that sense, based on the analysis of the profile of young adults from San Juan de Lurigancho and the social, historical and cultural qualities of the district, the lyrics were written in order to have a reflection and motivates them to discover their territory.
This document describes the production stages of the song and video clip of "Ruricancho", the first single by the band “Los Gatos de San Juan” for the “Ruricancho” project. The main objective was to represent the mission’s project and achieve a musical and audiovisual product that motivates the young people of San Juan de Lurigancho to feel proud of their district. This process includes two stages: the first begins with the composition and recording of the song; followed by the production and filming of the video clip. In that sense, based on the analysis of the profile of young adults from San Juan de Lurigancho and the social, historical and cultural qualities of the district, the lyrics were written in order to have a reflection and motivates them to discover their territory.
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Discipline: Comunicación
Grade or title grantor: Universidad de Lima. Facultad de Comunicación
Grade or title: Licenciado en Comunicación
Juror: Haro de la Vega, Enrique Martín; Cruz Valencia, Ana Caroline; Chávez Castagnola, Gladys
Register date: 26-Aug-2024
This item is licensed under a Creative Commons License