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Lo, A., (2024). Metodología para la generación de un dataset de dinámica de tecleo basado en un entorno web [Universidad de Lima].
Lo, A., Metodología para la generación de un dataset de dinámica de tecleo basado en un entorno web []. PE: Universidad de Lima; 2024.
title = "Metodología para la generación de un dataset de dinámica de tecleo basado en un entorno web",
author = "Lo Li, Aron",
publisher = "Universidad de Lima",
year = "2024"
Título: Metodología para la generación de un dataset de dinámica de tecleo basado en un entorno web
Autor(es): Lo Li, Aron
Asesor(es): Gutiérrez Cárdenas, Juan Manuel
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 2024
Institución: Universidad de Lima
Resumen: Los sistemas de autenticación basados en dinámica de tecleo identifican a sus usuarios por medio del análisis del patrón habitual de tecleo cuando estos interactúan con un dispositivo de entrada que podría ser el teclado de una
computadora. Dentro de la literatura, existen varias investigaciones que mencionan el uso de distintas técnicas como los modelos de distancia o incluso el aprendizaje de máquina. Estos en conjunto con las diferentes agrupaciones de atributos de tecleo como pueden ser el tiempo de presión de la tecla, el tiempo en que se mantiene en el aire, la latencia
entre las pulsaciones; entre otras, permiten la identificación de las identidades de los usuarios. Sin embargo, de los varios trabajos revisados, existen muchos que emplean datasets generados por los propios investigadores que además de ser privados, carecen de la documentación del cómo estos fueron recopilados y creados. Esto representa un gran problema para los futuros investigadores que buscan mejorar o avanzar con los trabajos previos, ya que la posibilidad de replicar estos trabajos es casi nula debido a la falta de documentación además del no poder contar con los datasets usados en dichos papers respectivamente. Asimismo, al utilizar propias bases de datos, los investigadores no ofrecen una buena visión general del rendimiento global de sus métodos, sino una visión general de un caso específico: el representado por su base de datos. En esta investigación, se planteó una metodología para el desarrollo de un dataset público cuya recolección de los datos se realizó por medio de una herramienta desplegada en el navegador, donde los usuarios participaban remotamente desde sus computadoras personales. Además, se aseguró que durante las recopilaciones, se cumplieran con protocolos de recolección consideradas como buenas prácticas por diversos investigadores. Esto permite a los futuros investigadores el tener la posibilidad de contar con un dataset de buena calidad y que refleje de manera más realista el tecleo de los usuarios.
Keystroke dynamics-based authentication systems identify their users by analyzing the typical keystroke pattern when they interact with an input device that could be a computer keyboard. Within the literature, there are several investigations that mention the use of different techniques such as distance models or even machine learning. These in conjunction with different groupings of characteristics or typing traits such as flight time, pressure time, typing latency, among others, they allow the identification of user identities. However, among the various works reviewed, there are many that use data sets generated by the researchers themselves that, in addition to being private, lack documentation of how they were collected and created. This represents a great problem for future researchers who seek to improve or advance with previous work, since the possibility of replicating these works is nearly non-existent due to the lack of documentation in addition to not being able to count on the datasets used in their papers respectively. Furthermore, by using their own databases, researchers do not provide a good overview of the global performance of their methods, but rather an overview in a specific case: the one represented by their database. In this research, a methodology was proposed for the development of a public dataset whose data collection was carried out through a tool displayed in the browser, where users can participate remotely from their personal computers. In addition, it was ensured that certain protocols, such as those mentioned above, are complied with during the collections. This will allow future researchers to have the possibility of having a good quality dataset that more realistically reflects the typing of users.
Keystroke dynamics-based authentication systems identify their users by analyzing the typical keystroke pattern when they interact with an input device that could be a computer keyboard. Within the literature, there are several investigations that mention the use of different techniques such as distance models or even machine learning. These in conjunction with different groupings of characteristics or typing traits such as flight time, pressure time, typing latency, among others, they allow the identification of user identities. However, among the various works reviewed, there are many that use data sets generated by the researchers themselves that, in addition to being private, lack documentation of how they were collected and created. This represents a great problem for future researchers who seek to improve or advance with previous work, since the possibility of replicating these works is nearly non-existent due to the lack of documentation in addition to not being able to count on the datasets used in their papers respectively. Furthermore, by using their own databases, researchers do not provide a good overview of the global performance of their methods, but rather an overview in a specific case: the one represented by their database. In this research, a methodology was proposed for the development of a public dataset whose data collection was carried out through a tool displayed in the browser, where users can participate remotely from their personal computers. In addition, it was ensured that certain protocols, such as those mentioned above, are complied with during the collections. This will allow future researchers to have the possibility of having a good quality dataset that more realistically reflects the typing of users.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Ingeniería de Sistemas
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad de Lima. Facultad de Ingeniería
Grado o título: Ingeniero de Sistemas
Jurado: Nina Hanco, Hernán; Huayhua Quispe, Angela Gabriela; More Sánchez, Javier
Fecha de registro: 26-ago-2024
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