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Rondan, F., (2021). Ausencia de crecimiento y concentración primaria exportadora: el caso Ancash y la captura de la anchoveta [Universidad de Lima].
Rondan, F., Ausencia de crecimiento y concentración primaria exportadora: el caso Ancash y la captura de la anchoveta []. PE: Universidad de Lima; 2021.
title = "Ausencia de crecimiento y concentración primaria exportadora: el caso Ancash y la captura de la anchoveta",
author = "Rondan Alva, Fernando Alonso",
publisher = "Universidad de Lima",
year = "2021"
Title: Ausencia de crecimiento y concentración primaria exportadora: el caso Ancash y la captura de la anchoveta
Authors(s): Rondan Alva, Fernando Alonso
Advisor(s): Seminario García, Juan Carlos
Keywords: Exportación; Industria pesquera; Anchovy; Exports; Fish trade; Ancash (Perú); Anchoveta
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2021
Institution: Universidad de Lima
Abstract: El presente trabajo de investigación busca a través de la relación de diversos factores,
darle sentido a la ausencia de crecimiento económico en la región Ancash ubicada en el
norte de Perú, específicamente en la pesca de anchoveta para la producción de harina de
pescado, durante la década de 2010 en adelante. La metodología utilizada para la
investigación es de tipo inductiva, por lo cual, se recurrió a fuentes secundarias como
tesis, bases de datos, registros y artículos de revista.
Una vez recolectada toda la información requerida se realizó la contrastación de
datos utilizando diversos indicadores entre los que se encuentran el PBI, las exportaciones
y la disponibilidad del recurso; analizando cada año los diferentes factores significativos
como las condiciones climatológicas y vedas causantes de la variación de los indicadores
The following research work looks, through the relationship of various factors, to make sense of the absence of economic growth in the Ancash region located in the Peruvian north, specifically in the anchovy fishery to produce fishmeal, during the 2010s onwards. The methodology used for the research is inductive, for which secondary sources such as theses, databases, records and journal articles were used. Once all the required information had been collected, the data contrast was carried out using various indicators such as GDP, exports and the availability of the resource; analyzing each year the different significant factors such as weather conditions and closures causing the variation of the aforementioned indicators.
The following research work looks, through the relationship of various factors, to make sense of the absence of economic growth in the Ancash region located in the Peruvian north, specifically in the anchovy fishery to produce fishmeal, during the 2010s onwards. The methodology used for the research is inductive, for which secondary sources such as theses, databases, records and journal articles were used. Once all the required information had been collected, the data contrast was carried out using various indicators such as GDP, exports and the availability of the resource; analyzing each year the different significant factors such as weather conditions and closures causing the variation of the aforementioned indicators.
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Discipline: Ingeniería Industrial
Grade or title grantor: Universidad de Lima. Facultad de Ingeniería y Arquitectura
Grade or title: Bachiller en Ingeniería Industrial
Juror: Vásquez Rivas Plata, Ruth; Noriega Aranibar, María Teresa; Cabrera Gil Grados, Ezilda; Hernandez Gorritti, Wilfredo
Register date: 9-Aug-2021
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