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Reyes, T., (2024). Dificultades de los docentes en el uso de las TIC en pandemia [Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades (UCH)].
Reyes, T., Dificultades de los docentes en el uso de las TIC en pandemia []. PE: Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades (UCH); 2024.
title = "Dificultades de los docentes en el uso de las TIC en pandemia",
author = "Reyes Rojas, Thayra Luzero del Cielo",
publisher = "Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades (UCH)",
year = "2024"
Título: Dificultades de los docentes en el uso de las TIC en pandemia
Autor(es): Reyes Rojas, Thayra Luzero del Cielo
Asesor(es): Cotrina Portal, Roberto Carlos
Palabras clave: Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC); Educación primaria; Educación en línea; Conocimientos informáticos; Information and Communication Technologies (ICT); Primary education; Online education; Computer literacy
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 2024
Institución: Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades (UCH)
Resumen: La pandemia de COVID-19 obligó a un cambio abrupto hacia la educación virtual en las escuelas primarias, generando grandes desafíos para los docentes en el uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC). Esta investigación identificó las dificultades que enfrentaron los maestros de primaria en la implementación de las TIC durante la enseñanza remota en la zona urbana y rural de Jaén, Perú. Se realizó un estudio cuantitativo, no experimental y descriptivo, con una muestra de 60 docentes de primaria de instituciones públicas del distrito de Jaén, Perú, seleccionados mediante un muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia. Los hallazgos revelaron que la mayoría de los docentes consideraba tener un buen nivel de conocimiento sobre las TIC (51.7%), un grupo considerable evaluó sus conocimientos como regulares (36.7%). Además, el 33.3% de los estudiantes no disponía de medios para las clases virtuales, y el 36.7% solo tenía acceso a internet a veces. Mientras que el 38.3% de los docentes siempre participaba en capacitaciones sobre herramientas digitales, el 20% solo lo hacía ocasionalmente. Se encontraron correlaciones positivas y significativas entre el nivel de conocimiento y la disponibilidad de dispositivos, cobertura de internet y eficacia en capacitación. Estos resultados evidencian las múltiples dificultades que enfrentaron los docentes para integrar efectivamente las TIC en la educación virtual, resaltando la necesidad de fortalecer las competencias digitales, garantizar el acceso a recursos tecnológicos y brindar una formación adecuada en plataformas virtuales.
The COVID-19 pandemic forced an abrupt change towards virtual education in primary schools, generating great challenges for teachers in the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). This research identified the difficulties faced by primary school teachers in the implementation of ICT during remote teaching in the urban and rural area of Jaen, Peru. A quantitative, non-experimental, descriptive study was conducted with a sample of 60 primary school teachers from public institutions in the district of Jaén, Peru, selected by non-probabilistic convenience sampling. The findings revealed that most of the teachers considered that they had a good level of knowledge about ICT (51.7%), a considerable group evaluated their knowledge as regular (36.7%). In addition, 33.3% of the students had no means for virtual classes, and 36.7% had access to the Internet only sometimes. While 38.3% of the teachers always participated in trainings on digital tools, 20% only did so occasionally. Positive and significant correlations were found between the level of knowledge and the availability of devices, Internet coverage and training effectiveness. These results show the multiple difficulties faced by teachers in effectively integrating ICTs in virtual education, highlighting the need to strengthen digital competencies, guarantee access to technological resources and provide adequate training in virtual platforms.
The COVID-19 pandemic forced an abrupt change towards virtual education in primary schools, generating great challenges for teachers in the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). This research identified the difficulties faced by primary school teachers in the implementation of ICT during remote teaching in the urban and rural area of Jaen, Peru. A quantitative, non-experimental, descriptive study was conducted with a sample of 60 primary school teachers from public institutions in the district of Jaén, Peru, selected by non-probabilistic convenience sampling. The findings revealed that most of the teachers considered that they had a good level of knowledge about ICT (51.7%), a considerable group evaluated their knowledge as regular (36.7%). In addition, 33.3% of the students had no means for virtual classes, and 36.7% had access to the Internet only sometimes. While 38.3% of the teachers always participated in trainings on digital tools, 20% only did so occasionally. Positive and significant correlations were found between the level of knowledge and the availability of devices, Internet coverage and training effectiveness. These results show the multiple difficulties faced by teachers in effectively integrating ICTs in virtual education, highlighting the need to strengthen digital competencies, guarantee access to technological resources and provide adequate training in virtual platforms.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Educación Primaria e Interculturalidad
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales
Grado o título: Licenciado en Educación Primaria e Interculturalidad
Jurado: Vásquez Céspedes, Carla; Valdivia Arévalo de Barreda, Luz María; Ynga Fernandez, Gabriel Jesus
Fecha de registro: 19-sep-2024
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