Citas bibligráficas
Vivanco, J., (2023). Nivel de conocimiento y la actitud hacia la lactancia materna exclusiva en madres primerizas que asisten a dos centros de salud de Lima Sur -2023 [Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades (UCH)].
Vivanco, J., Nivel de conocimiento y la actitud hacia la lactancia materna exclusiva en madres primerizas que asisten a dos centros de salud de Lima Sur -2023 []. PE: Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades (UCH); 2023.
title = "Nivel de conocimiento y la actitud hacia la lactancia materna exclusiva en madres primerizas que asisten a dos centros de salud de Lima Sur -2023",
author = "Vivanco Leguia, Jakeline",
publisher = "Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades (UCH)",
year = "2023"
Objective: Determine the relationship between knowledge and attitude towards exclusive breastfeeding in first-time mothers attending two health centers in Lima Sur. Materials and methods: Quantitative approach and cross-sectional correlational design. The population consisted of 171 mothers, while the sample was 140 first-time mothers. The applied technique was the survey. Results: In the findings, no significant association was found between the variables of knowledge and attitude. It showed that 75.6% of the surveyed mothers have good knowledge and 20.7% have regular knowledge. Regarding attitude, 56.4% show a neutral attitude and 42.9% a positive attitude towards formula breastfeeding. In relation to each item on the Iowa Infant Feeding Attitude Scale, the percentage associated with formula feeding revealed that 43.6% strongly disagree that formula feeding is more convenient than breastfeeding; 27.9% agree that formula feeding is the best option if the mother intends to work outside home; 45.7% disagree that formula milk is as healthy for the baby as breast milk. Additionally, the knowledge variable showed an association with the educational level of the surveyed mothers. Conclusions: No significant association was found between knowledge and attitude towards exclusive breastfeeding in mothers from the two health centers in Lima Sur.
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