Citas bibligráficas
Quichua, L., Sanchez, G. (2023). Control de glucemia durante la Covid-19 en personas adultas con riesgo de diabetes mellitus tipo 2 de un complejo comercial de Lima Norte - 2022 [Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades (UCH)].
Quichua, L., Sanchez, G. Control de glucemia durante la Covid-19 en personas adultas con riesgo de diabetes mellitus tipo 2 de un complejo comercial de Lima Norte - 2022 []. PE: Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades (UCH); 2023.
title = "Control de glucemia durante la Covid-19 en personas adultas con riesgo de diabetes mellitus tipo 2 de un complejo comercial de Lima Norte - 2022",
author = "Sanchez Rodriguez, Gloria Susana",
publisher = "Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades (UCH)",
year = "2023"
Objective: The aim of the study is to determine the association between glycemic control and the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus in adults during the COVID-19 pandemic at a mall in North Lima. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted from a quantitative research approach, using a cross-sectional correlational methodological design. The data collection was the survey, and the applied instrument was the FINDRISC Test. Results: Regarding sociodemographic data, individuals under the age of 45 predominated with 51.2%, female sex with 54.2%, secondary education level with 39.9%, origin from Lima/Callao with 49.8%, with SIS (Seguro Integral de Salud) 38.5%, respondents who reported having a medical condition with 26.6%, while those who indicated a family member with a medical condition were 46.8%. In terms of risk of type 2 diabetes, a slightly elevated risk level predominated with 31.9%. Regarding the probability of acquiring type 2 diabetes, 4.3% have a 50% probability of very high risk of acquiring the disease. As for the dimensions, those under the age of 45 predominated with 51.2%, a BMI (Body Mass Index) between 25-30 kg/m predominated with 40.5%, an abdominal perimeter of more than 102 cm in men or more than 88 cm in women predominated with 40.5%, and 37.2% did not engage in physical activity, 55.5% indicated not consuming fruits, vegetables, and greens every day, 88.4% with hypertension did not take any antihypertensive medications, 74.4% indicated not having been detected of high glucose levels, 53.2% had no family history of diabetes, and 44.9% had normal glycemic levels. It was found a relationship between diabetes risk and participants' age, gender, personal medical history, and family medical history. The correlation between glycemic level and diabetes risk indicated a Spearman's Rho correlation coefficient of 0.434 with a bilateral significance of 0.00. Conclusions: Concerning the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, a slightly elevated risk level predominated with 31.9%. There is a relationship between diabetes risk and age, gender, personal medical history, and family medical 10 history. Additionally, a significant moderate positive correlation was found between glycemic level and diabetes risk.
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