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Monzon, Y., Valle, S. (2023). Inasistencia escolar y rendimiento académico en el contexto de la Covid-19 [Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades (UCH)].
Monzon, Y., Valle, S. Inasistencia escolar y rendimiento académico en el contexto de la Covid-19 []. PE: Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades (UCH); 2023.
title = "Inasistencia escolar y rendimiento académico en el contexto de la Covid-19",
author = "Valle Salas, Silverio Benjamin",
publisher = "Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades (UCH)",
year = "2023"
Título: Inasistencia escolar y rendimiento académico en el contexto de la Covid-19
Asesor(es): Iraola Real, Iván
Palabras clave: Inasistencia escolar; Rendimiento académico; Educación básica; Covid-19; School absence; Academic performance; Basic education; SARS-CoV-2; Coronavirus
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Institución: Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades (UCH)
Resumen: Debido a la pandemia en el 2020, muchos estudiantes se vieron afectados debiendo recibir clases virtuales, considerando además diversos factores sociales, económicos, culturales, familiares, que de una u otra manera afectaron el desarrollo normal de las clases. A consecuencia de estos factores se manifestó el ausentismo, generando efectos negativos en el logro de los aprendizajes. Ante esto, la investigación se propuso como objetivo, determinar la relación entre la inasistencia de los estudiantes de cuarto, quinto y sexto grado de primaria de una Institución Educativa de Lima Norte con el rendimiento académico en el contexto de la Covid-19. Se aplicó un diseño descriptivo correlacional con una muestra de 44 estudiantes de cuarto, quinto y sexto de primaria de los cuales 26 son mujeres (59.1%) y 18 varones (40.9%) de entre 9 y 12 años. Los datos han sido recopilados a través del cuestionario de inasistencia escolar y rendimiento académico. Así, los resultados mostraron que el ausentismo virtual se relaciona de forma negativa, fuerte y significativa con el rendimiento del área de matemática, de comunicación de ciencia y tecnología. Luego, al analizar las correlaciones con las áreas curriculares complementarias, se observó que las faltas justificadas se relacionan de forma positiva, moderada y significativa con el rendimiento del área de arte. Además, se observa que el ausentismo virtual se relaciona de forma negativa, moderada y significativa con el rendimiento de inglés.
Due to the pandemic in 2020, many students were affected and had to receive virtual classes, also considering various social, economic, cultural, and family factors, which in one way or another affected the normal development of classes. Because of these factors, absenteeism manifested itself, generating negative effects on the achievement of learning. Given this, the objective of the research was to determine the relationship between the non-attendance of fourth, fifth and sixth grade students of an Educational Institution in Northern Lima with academic performance in the context of the Covid-19. A descriptive correlational design was applied with a sample of 44 fourth, fifth and sixth grade students, of whom 26 are female (59.1%) and 18 male (40.9%) between 9 and 12 years of age. The data has was collected through the questionnaire on school absenteeism and academic performance. Thus, the results showed that virtual absenteeism is related in a negative, strong and significant way with the performance of the area of mathematics, science and technology communication. Then, when analyzing the correlations with the complementary curricular areas, the justified absences are positively, moderately, and significantly related to the performance of the art area. In addition, the virtual absenteeism is related in a negative, moderate and significant way with the English performance.
Due to the pandemic in 2020, many students were affected and had to receive virtual classes, also considering various social, economic, cultural, and family factors, which in one way or another affected the normal development of classes. Because of these factors, absenteeism manifested itself, generating negative effects on the achievement of learning. Given this, the objective of the research was to determine the relationship between the non-attendance of fourth, fifth and sixth grade students of an Educational Institution in Northern Lima with academic performance in the context of the Covid-19. A descriptive correlational design was applied with a sample of 44 fourth, fifth and sixth grade students, of whom 26 are female (59.1%) and 18 male (40.9%) between 9 and 12 years of age. The data has was collected through the questionnaire on school absenteeism and academic performance. Thus, the results showed that virtual absenteeism is related in a negative, strong and significant way with the performance of the area of mathematics, science and technology communication. Then, when analyzing the correlations with the complementary curricular areas, the justified absences are positively, moderately, and significantly related to the performance of the art area. In addition, the virtual absenteeism is related in a negative, moderate and significant way with the English performance.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Educación Primaria e Interculturalidad
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales
Grado o título: Licenciado en Educación Primaria e Interculturalidad
Jurado: Vásquez Céspedes, Carla; Oyanguren Amoros, Julissa Rita; Sotelo Arellan, Yudy Roxana
Fecha de registro: 12-jul-2023
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