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Espinoza, G., Robles, J. (2022). Aplicación de un programa de Educación Física para niños con cáncer [Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades (UCH)].
Espinoza, G., Robles, J. Aplicación de un programa de Educación Física para niños con cáncer []. PE: Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades (UCH); 2022.
title = "Aplicación de un programa de Educación Física para niños con cáncer",
author = "Robles Silva, Julissa Aidée",
publisher = "Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades (UCH)",
year = "2022"
Título: Aplicación de un programa de Educación Física para niños con cáncer
Asesor(es): Gonzales Choquehuanca, Elvis Eleodoro
Palabras clave: Programa; Educación Física; Niños con cáncer; Habilidades Sociomotrices; La comunicación práxica directa e indirecta; Acción motriz; Juegos adaptados
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 2022
Institución: Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades (UCH)
Resumen: Ante la problemática de la falta de conocimiento en el desarrollo de la práctica educativa con niños con cáncer en el área de Educación Física. Se propuso aplicar un programa de Educación Física que contribuya al desarrollo de Habilidades Sociomotrices de niños con cáncer. Este programa consta de 6 sesiones el cual presentó juegos adaptados según la condición física del estudiante investigado, contribuyendo al fortalecimiento muscular, postura e interacción al desarrollo de la Habilidades Sociomotrices como: La comunicación práctica directa, la comunicación práctica indirecta y la acción motriz (equilibrio y coordinación). Esta investigación pertenece al enfoque cualitativo, con un de tipo investigación acción participativa, en donde se plantearon tres hipótesis de acción que fueron corroborados en sesiones de aprendizajes de Educación Física. Los sucesos de dicha aplicación quedaron registrados en un diario de campo, en fotografías, en fichas de evaluación: “Escala de Habilidades Sociomotrices para niños con cáncer”, “Escala de Habilidades Sociomotrices para el docente” y “Escala de bienestar en el contexto académico (UWES-S17)” orientadas a estudiar una muestra no probabilística intencional de un estudiante de tercer grado de educación primaria. Datos que fueron analizados mediante un proceso de codificación y triangulación donde se obtuvieron los siguientes resultados: El investigado logró una mejora en su desarrollo Sociomotriz asistiendo regularmente a la escuela con mucho entusiasmo.
Faced with the problem of lack of knowledge in the development of educational practice with children with cancer in the area of Physical Education. It was proposed to implement a Physical Education program that contributes to the development of Sociomotrices Skills of a child with cancer. This program consists of 6 sessions which were presented games adapted according to the physical condition of the researched student contributing to muscle strengthening, posture and interaction and the development of Sociomotrices Skills such as: direct praxical communication, indirect praxical communication and motor action (balance and coordination). This research belongs to the qualitative approach, with a type of research participatory action in which three hypotheses of action were proposed that were corroborated in Physical Education learning sessions. The events of this application were recorded in a field journal, in photographs, in evaluation sheets: "Sociomotrices Skills Scale for the Child with Cancer," "Sociomotrices Skills Scale for the Teacher" and "Wellness Scale in the Academic Context (UWES-S17)" aimed at studying an intentional non-probabilistic sample of a third-grade primary school student. Data that were analyzed through a process of coding and triangulation in which the following results were obtained: the researcher achieved an improvement in his Sociomotriz development by regularly attending school with much enthusiasm.
Faced with the problem of lack of knowledge in the development of educational practice with children with cancer in the area of Physical Education. It was proposed to implement a Physical Education program that contributes to the development of Sociomotrices Skills of a child with cancer. This program consists of 6 sessions which were presented games adapted according to the physical condition of the researched student contributing to muscle strengthening, posture and interaction and the development of Sociomotrices Skills such as: direct praxical communication, indirect praxical communication and motor action (balance and coordination). This research belongs to the qualitative approach, with a type of research participatory action in which three hypotheses of action were proposed that were corroborated in Physical Education learning sessions. The events of this application were recorded in a field journal, in photographs, in evaluation sheets: "Sociomotrices Skills Scale for the Child with Cancer," "Sociomotrices Skills Scale for the Teacher" and "Wellness Scale in the Academic Context (UWES-S17)" aimed at studying an intentional non-probabilistic sample of a third-grade primary school student. Data that were analyzed through a process of coding and triangulation in which the following results were obtained: the researcher achieved an improvement in his Sociomotriz development by regularly attending school with much enthusiasm.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Educación Primaria e Interculturalidad
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales
Grado o título: Licenciado en Educación Primaria e Interculturalidad
Jurado: Vásquez Cespedes, Carla; Oyanguren Amoros, Julissa; Zorrilla Esparza, César
Fecha de registro: 16-nov-2023
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