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Choque, R., (2022). Perfil del docente intercultural bilingüe [Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades (UCH)].
Choque, R., Perfil del docente intercultural bilingüe []. PE: Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades (UCH); 2022.
title = "Perfil del docente intercultural bilingüe",
author = "Choque Espinoza, Ricardo",
publisher = "Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades (UCH)",
year = "2022"
Título: Perfil del docente intercultural bilingüe
Autor(es): Choque Espinoza, Ricardo
Asesor(es): Alegría Neira, Desiderio
Palabras clave: Educación bilingüe; Perfil docente; Docente intercultural bilingüe; Bilingual Education; Teaching Profile; Intercultural Bilingual Teacher
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 2022
Institución: Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades (UCH)
Resumen: El docente intercultural bilingüe cumple un papel importante para el progreso de los pueblos andinos y amazónicos que se encuentran lejos de la ciudad; para un progreso de un pueblo dependerá de la educación que reciba los estudiantes de los buenos docentes de cómo motiva , de que enseña, como enseña, para que enseña y sobre todo de quien es la persona que enseña , qué características tiene este personaje Por esta razón la presente investigación tiene como objetivo determinar el perfil ético y psicológico, cognoscitivo y metodológico didáctico del docente intercultural bilingüe. El estudio asume un enfoque cualitativo, de tipo estudio de caso y de nivel descriptivo, en el cual bajo un muestreo intencional participa un docente intercultural bilingüe de nivel primario de la escuela de centro poblado de Huallay Chico con amplia experiencia de trabajo. Para la recolección de datos se aplicaron como instrumentos como entrevistas semi estructuradas. Posteriormente, se procedió al análisis mediante la codificación y la triangulación metodológica. Finalmente, los resultados evidenciaron que el perfil del docente intercultural bilingüe debe ser adecuado para el ejercicio de la profesión, como dominio de lengua quechua, la responsabilidad ante su trabajo y la pasión por el trabajo.
The bilingual intercultural teacher plays an important role for the progress of the Andean and Amazonian peoples that are far from the city; for the progress of a town, it will depend on the education that students receive from good teachers on how they motivate, what they teach, how they teach, what they teach and, above all, who is the person who teaches, what characteristics does this character have? This research aims to determine the ethical and psychological, cognitive and methodological teaching profile of the bilingual intercultural teacher. The study assumes a qualitative approach, of a case study and descriptive level, in which, under an intentional sampling, a bilingual intercultural teacher of primary level of the school of populated center of Huallay Chico with extensive work experience participates. For data collection, semi-structured interviews were applied as instruments. Subsequently, the analysis was carried out through coding and methodological triangulation. Finally, the results showed that the profile of the bilingual intercultural teacher must be adequate for the exercise of the profession, such as Quechua language proficiency, responsibility for their work and passion for work.
The bilingual intercultural teacher plays an important role for the progress of the Andean and Amazonian peoples that are far from the city; for the progress of a town, it will depend on the education that students receive from good teachers on how they motivate, what they teach, how they teach, what they teach and, above all, who is the person who teaches, what characteristics does this character have? This research aims to determine the ethical and psychological, cognitive and methodological teaching profile of the bilingual intercultural teacher. The study assumes a qualitative approach, of a case study and descriptive level, in which, under an intentional sampling, a bilingual intercultural teacher of primary level of the school of populated center of Huallay Chico with extensive work experience participates. For data collection, semi-structured interviews were applied as instruments. Subsequently, the analysis was carried out through coding and methodological triangulation. Finally, the results showed that the profile of the bilingual intercultural teacher must be adequate for the exercise of the profession, such as Quechua language proficiency, responsibility for their work and passion for work.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Educación Primaria e Interculturalidad
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales
Grado o título: Licenciado en Educación Primaria e Interculturalidad
Jurado: Vásquez Céspedes, Carla; Oyanguren Amoros, Julissa Rita; Galindo Ynga, Diana Mercedes
Fecha de registro: 11-jul-2023
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