Bibliographic citations
Chuquiruna, J., Remuzgo, I. (2019). Efectos del embargo en la copropiedad de los bienes inmuebles no inscritos en los Registros Públicos - Lima [Tesis, TesisUniversidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega].
Chuquiruna, J., Remuzgo, I. Efectos del embargo en la copropiedad de los bienes inmuebles no inscritos en los Registros Públicos - Lima [TesisTesis]. : Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega; 2019.
title = "Efectos del embargo en la copropiedad de los bienes inmuebles no inscritos en los Registros Públicos - Lima",
author = "Remuzgo Gagliuffi, Ivo Simón Antonio",
publisher = "Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega",
year = "2019"
Regarding the development of the study, he dealt with a problem of great interest in the field of Civil and Commercial Law, entitled "Effects of the embargo on the co-ownership of immovable property not registered in the Public Registries-Lima", given that it will be useful for the right operators. The type of investigation was explanatory and the application level; On the other hand, the method and design of the research was expository or retrospective; and in relation to the population under study was constituted by the Superior Court of Lima and the Bar Association of Lima (CAL) and the sample was 48 Judges and 379 Skilled Lawyers with a probabilistic probability sampling of 95% confidence and with a margin of error of 5%. Regarding the instruments used to measure the variables, it was the survey technique with its instrument, the questionnaire, which was validated by expert Judges who made the evaluation with the Degree of Doctors, who gave the validation of criteria and construct; as for the statistical test it was the chi or chi square, corrected by Yates. The result obtained after testing the hypothesis, has made it possible to determine that the effects of the lien and co-ownership are significantly related to immovable property that is not registered at the level of the Real Property Registries-SUNARP
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