Citas bibligráficas
Salazar, R., (2015). Inteligencias múltiples y estilos de aprendizaje en alumnos de secundaria de la Institución Educativa Pública Ramón Castilla del distrito de San Martín de Porres [Tesis, Universidad inca Garcilaso de la Vega].
Salazar, R., Inteligencias múltiples y estilos de aprendizaje en alumnos de secundaria de la Institución Educativa Pública Ramón Castilla del distrito de San Martín de Porres [Tesis]. : Universidad inca Garcilaso de la Vega; 2015.
title = "Inteligencias múltiples y estilos de aprendizaje en alumnos de secundaria de la Institución Educativa Pública Ramón Castilla del distrito de San Martín de Porres",
author = "Salazar Añazco, Rosa Rita",
publisher = "Universidad inca Garcilaso de la Vega",
year = "2015"
The general objective of the research was determine the relationship of multiple intelligences with high school students learning styles of the public educational institution Ramon Castilla of the District of San Martin de Porres. The type of research was descriptive and applied level, method and research design was descriptive. The study population was formed by 1600 students turn tomorrow and later the primary and secondary levels. The level of secondary works in the afternoon and has 750 students. The sample was conformed by 185 students from the first to the fifth year of high school. The sampling was probabilistic by groups, clusters or clusters by taking a percentage of each year of high school. The instruments used for the measurement of the variables were the questionnaire of Honey and Alonso de Styles of learning (CHAEA) designed with 80 items to explore styles: active, reflective, theoretical and pragmatic; the second instrument was the Test of multiple intelligences of Gardner that consists of 35 items both validated. The statistical test used for testing hypotheses has been testing Chi-square of Pearson used for qualitative variables. The results were that the multiple intelligences is not related to the learning styles of students in secondary. It is demonstrated to intelligences them logical-mathematical, visual - spatial and kinesthetic body if they relate to learning styles with a level of error of 0.05.
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