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Otoya, Y., (2019). Anatomía topográfica del sistema de conductos radiculares [Trabajo académico, Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega].
Otoya, Y., Anatomía topográfica del sistema de conductos radiculares [Trabajo académico]. : Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega; 2019.
title = "Anatomía topográfica del sistema de conductos radiculares",
author = "Otoya Mantilla, Yeny",
publisher = "Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega",
year = "2019"
Título: Anatomía topográfica del sistema de conductos radiculares
Autor(es): Otoya Mantilla, Yeny
Asesor(es): Quijano Ortiz, Santiago Amadeo
Palabras clave: Anatomía radicular; Conducto radicular; Foramen apical
Fecha de publicación: 15-ago-2019
Institución: Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
Resumen: Este trabajo académico es realizado a través de recopilaciones de distintas investigaciones
actuales, que nos brindan el conocimiento para un estándar de calidad, con una recuentro
desde etapas de inicio del periodo que Versalius en el año 1543 que observa la cavidad
pulpar en un diente extraido, el uso de la vulcanita, el paso de la diafanizacion, los tintes,
que contribuyeron de una forma básica, en piezas dentales extraidos, seguidos de
importantes estudios como Carabelli que da inicio al estudio de la anatomía interna, luego
Fisher que empieza con los métodos de relleno dentro de la estructura interna; todos estos
trabajos sirvieron como base al conocimiento, pero a su vez fueron básicos; ya en el
momento que aparecen las imágenes de estudio, en el que Wilhelm Röntgen, en 1885 , se
dio cuenta de la existencia de una nueva fuente de energía, probó en la mano de su esposa
esta radiación, que al inicio era de 25 minutos, es asi como estos precedentes nos lleva al
mejoramiento de la identificación y reconocimiento de la anatomía del sistema de conductos
radiculares, seguidos del haz de cono y la microtomografia, es deir el uso en 2D, 3D y 4D
han permitido dar un salto desde al siglo XXI, con nuevos aporte para buscar el éxito en los
tratamientos de los condutos radiculares.
El adecuado manejo de la anatomía, es un punto importante para prevenir y evitar el fracaso
en el tratamiento del sistema de conductos radiculares, los onstantes estudio realizados en
distintas poblaciones, de acuerdo al sexo, a la edad, localización y entre pares, muestran
la cantidad de variaciones anatómicas deben ser tomadas en cuenta desde el inicio de la
primera evaluacion; muchas recomendaciones de los investigadores, indican que la ayuda
de los equipos modernos por imágenes, favorece mucho, tanto en el pre operatorio, durante
y el postoperatorio para de esta manera minimizar los riesgos y los accidentes o iatrogenias
de la praxis.
This academic work is carried out through compilations of different current researches, which provide us with the knowledge for a quality standard, with a recuentro from the beginning of the period stages that Versalius in the year 1543 that observes the pulp cavity in a extracted tooth, the use of vulcanite, the step of diafanization, the dyes, which contributed in a basic way, in extracted dental pieces, followed by important studies Carabelli’s that starts the researching of the internal anatomy, then Fisher that begins with the methods filling inside of the internal structure; all these works served as a basis for knowledge, but at the same time they were basic; already in the moment that the images of study appear, in which Wilhelm Röntgen, in 1885, realized a find existence of a new source of energy, proved in the hand of his wife this radiation, that at the beginning was of 25 minutes , this is how these precedents lead us to the improvement of the identification and recognition of the anatomy of the root canal system, followed by the cone beam and the microtomography, it is to say the use in 2D, 3D and 4D have allowed to jump from XXI century, with new contributions to seek success in root canal treatments. The proper management of the anatomy is an important point to prevent and avoid failure in the treatment of the root canal system, the study carried out in different populations, according to sex, age, location and between pairs, show the number of anatomical variations must be taken into account from the beginning of the first evaluation; Many recommendations from the researchers indicate that the help of modern imaging equipment favors a lot, both in the pre-operative, during and postoperative periods, in order to minimize the risks and accidents or iatrogenies of the praxis.
This academic work is carried out through compilations of different current researches, which provide us with the knowledge for a quality standard, with a recuentro from the beginning of the period stages that Versalius in the year 1543 that observes the pulp cavity in a extracted tooth, the use of vulcanite, the step of diafanization, the dyes, which contributed in a basic way, in extracted dental pieces, followed by important studies Carabelli’s that starts the researching of the internal anatomy, then Fisher that begins with the methods filling inside of the internal structure; all these works served as a basis for knowledge, but at the same time they were basic; already in the moment that the images of study appear, in which Wilhelm Röntgen, in 1885, realized a find existence of a new source of energy, proved in the hand of his wife this radiation, that at the beginning was of 25 minutes , this is how these precedents lead us to the improvement of the identification and recognition of the anatomy of the root canal system, followed by the cone beam and the microtomography, it is to say the use in 2D, 3D and 4D have allowed to jump from XXI century, with new contributions to seek success in root canal treatments. The proper management of the anatomy is an important point to prevent and avoid failure in the treatment of the root canal system, the study carried out in different populations, according to sex, age, location and between pairs, show the number of anatomical variations must be taken into account from the beginning of the first evaluation; Many recommendations from the researchers indicate that the help of modern imaging equipment favors a lot, both in the pre-operative, during and postoperative periods, in order to minimize the risks and accidents or iatrogenies of the praxis.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Especialidad en cariología y endodoncia
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega. Facultad de Estomatología
Grado o título: Especialista en cariología y endodoncia
Fecha de registro: 6-nov-2019
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