Citas bibligráficas
Aponte, V., (2015). Motivación de logro, Personalidad y Rendimiento Académico en Estudiantes Universitarios de Psicología y Medicina Humana de la Universidad Alas Peruanas de Lima Metropolitana, 2014 [Tesis, Universidad inca Garcilaso de la Vega].
Aponte, V., Motivación de logro, Personalidad y Rendimiento Académico en Estudiantes Universitarios de Psicología y Medicina Humana de la Universidad Alas Peruanas de Lima Metropolitana, 2014 [Tesis]. : Universidad inca Garcilaso de la Vega; 2015.
title = "Motivación de logro, Personalidad y Rendimiento Académico en Estudiantes Universitarios de Psicología y Medicina Humana de la Universidad Alas Peruanas de Lima Metropolitana, 2014",
author = "Aponte Rodríguez, Víctor Alejandro",
publisher = "Universidad inca Garcilaso de la Vega",
year = "2015"
In recent years the trend of profound changes in our society, and in particular on the educational stage, reflect the new globalised and competitive environment of century XXI accompanied by the presence of worrying about the type of university higher education that is taught to our students. The manifestations of attitudes and In recent years the trend of profound changes in our society, and in particular on the educational stage, reflect the new globalised and competitive environment of century XXI accompanied by the presence of worrying about the type of university higher education that is taught to our students. The manifestations of attitudes and behaviors in University student, includes being aware of their own abilities and interest in tasks that can be done, know that learning strategies are effective, plan a task that allows you to succeed, on the other hand social and cognitive learning theorists include the idea of control of their own motivation and emotionsnow that the situation of stability - emotional instability is part of the personality of the student as well as also to evaluate the outcome of their efforts and if what they have learned through strategies have been effective for his academic performance. The dissemination and implementation of the pillars of knowledge and the presence of the competence in our national university system approach is receiving the impact of this trend, but still are not sure if the tradition is maintained or if is internalizing changes in students of human psychology and human medicine in the Peruvians Always University. The objective of this work was to establish the relationship between achievement motivation, personality, and academic performance in students of the first and second cycle on the subject of school psychology academic professional psychology and human medicine in the Peruvians Always University. Research was carried out through a descriptivecorrelacional study, and determined through sampling group random probability sample, and it consisted of (193) ix students of human psychology and human medicine who flocked to the referred University institution, being applied as an instrument the Atribucional achievement motivation scale (EAML-M), the Eysenck personality inventory (EPI Forma-B) and qualifying end of students in the psychology curriculum implementation unit. In general, it was concluded that there is no relationship between achievement motivation, personality, and academic performance in students of the execution unit curriculum of psychology in the professional academic schools of human psychology and human medicine of the Peruvians Always University of Metropolitan Lima. The relationship between achievement motivation and extraversion, found that there is no relationship and they are independent. However, the relationship between achievement motivation and the neuroticism of the students of human medicine, found that there is only a relationship between "task and capacity" with "neuroticism". Equally in the students of human psychology, found that there is only a relationship between "interest and effort" with "neuroticism" and "task and capacity" with "neuroticism". The relationship between achievement motivation and academic performance, found that there is sufficient evidence to say that there is a relationship between them, that is, they are independent. To establish the relationship between academic achievement and extroversion, and academic performance and neuroticism found that there is sufficient evidence to say that there is a relationship between them, that is, they are independent in the students of psychology and human medicine of the Peruvians Always University of Metropolitan Lima, to a significant level of 5% through the Pearson Chi-square statistical test.
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