Citas bibligráficas
Nieto, J., (2015). Niveles de cultura tributaria y recaudación de los contribuyentes [Tesis, Universidad inca Garcilaso de la Vega].
Nieto, J., Niveles de cultura tributaria y recaudación de los contribuyentes [Tesis]. : Universidad inca Garcilaso de la Vega; 2015.
title = "Niveles de cultura tributaria y recaudación de los contribuyentes",
author = "Nieto Tarazona, José Carlos",
publisher = "Universidad inca Garcilaso de la Vega",
year = "2015"
The general objective of the research wasdetermined the relationship of the levels of tax culture proceeds from taxpayers in theLima City. The type of research was descriptive and applied level, method and research design was correlational. Study population consisted of all of the inhabitants of Lima between contributors and non-contributors totaling 8 500 00 inhabitants, was selected by sample asampling non-probability quota to capture information in different districts such as: Los Olivos, La Victoria, Lima, Maria Jesús and San Isidro, being taken the statements of 60 people in each district, constituting the sample with a total of 300 people. The instrument used for the measurement of the variables was the questionnaire developed by the author to evaluate the level of tax culture with a total of 25 items measured on a nominal scale being validated by content validity by three specialists on Fiscal policy and taxation. The results were thatpopulation has a level average tax culture i.e. 55.7% as at a regular rate of revenue amounting to 45.3% level means for the enforcement of taxes, duties and fees. For testing the hypotheses used correlation time of Pearson product to measure covariation between the variable levels of tax culture and proceeds with a margin of error of 0.01. Finally, ithas shown that levels of tax culture relate directly to revenues from taxpayers in the Lima City.
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