Citas bibligráficas
Pérez, H., Malatesta, M., Ortega, R. (2018). Sistemas administrativos y tecnológicos para el buen servicio de los clientes del banco scotiabank agencia gamarra – distrito la Victoria – Lima 2017 [Tesis, Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega].
Pérez, H., Malatesta, M., Ortega, R. Sistemas administrativos y tecnológicos para el buen servicio de los clientes del banco scotiabank agencia gamarra – distrito la Victoria – Lima 2017 [Tesis]. : Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega; 2018.
title = "Sistemas administrativos y tecnológicos para el buen servicio de los clientes del banco scotiabank agencia gamarra – distrito la Victoria – Lima 2017",
author = "Ortega Román, Reynaldo Jaime",
publisher = "Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega",
year = "2018"
This thesis, has as main objective, to evaluate and analyze a methodology to determine the good service to the clients of a bank, having as a case study, the project of: "Administrative and Technological Systems for the Good Service of the Bank's Clients Scotiabank, Gamarra Agency, La Victoria District, Lima - 2017", work that takes as a study the satisfaction analysis of the bank's clients.
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