Citas bibligráficas
Aponte, A., (2015). Rasgos de personalidad, valores interpersonales e inteligencias múltiples en estudiantes de Psicología y Odontología de la Universidad Alas Peruanas y Universidad Peruana los Andes de Lima Metropolitana, 2014 [Tesis, Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega].
Aponte, A., Rasgos de personalidad, valores interpersonales e inteligencias múltiples en estudiantes de Psicología y Odontología de la Universidad Alas Peruanas y Universidad Peruana los Andes de Lima Metropolitana, 2014 [Tesis]. : Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega; 2015.
title = "Rasgos de personalidad, valores interpersonales e inteligencias múltiples en estudiantes de Psicología y Odontología de la Universidad Alas Peruanas y Universidad Peruana los Andes de Lima Metropolitana, 2014",
author = "Aponte Urdaniga, Arturo Italo",
publisher = "Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega",
year = "2015"
In recent years the trend of changes in the educational scenario, reflect the new environment of the 21st century, and the quality of education, is the point of reference to justify any change process. The objective of the study was to establish the relationship between the traits of personality, interpersonal values and the multiple intelligences in psychology at the Peruvians Always University and dentistry in Peruvians The Andes University Subsidiary-Lima students; a descriptive-correlacional study, with a sample of (108) students of psychology and (75) of dentistry. It is concluded, there is no relationship between the traits of personality, interpersonal values and the multiple intelligences in students of psychology and dentistry. The relationship between extraversion and interpersonal values, found that there is no relationship and they are independent. However, between neuroticism and interpersonal values, students of psychology, there is only relationship between "neuroticism" with "independence". Between extroversion and multiple intelligences, there is insufficient evidence to assert that there is a relationship between them. To establish the relationship between neuroticism and multiple intelligences, only students of dentistry there is relationship between "neuroticism and interpersonal intelligence", others are independent. Between interpersonal values and the multiple intelligences in psychology students, only there is relationship between "leadership and logical-mathematical intelligence", and in dental students only relationship between 'compliance and interpersonal intelligence', in others there is no relationship, 5% by the Pearson Chi-square statistical test.
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