Citas bibligráficas
Araujo, C., Layza, C. (2023). La fotografía e ilustración digital como herramientas para comunicar la historia. Muestra Trujillo bicentenario. 2022 [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Araujo, C., Layza, C. La fotografía e ilustración digital como herramientas para comunicar la historia. Muestra Trujillo bicentenario. 2022 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2023.
title = "La fotografía e ilustración digital como herramientas para comunicar la historia. Muestra Trujillo bicentenario. 2022",
author = "Layza Mariano, Caren Elizabeth",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2023"
The purpose of this research was to explain the way in which photography and digital illustration make possible the communication of history through the Trujillo Bicentennial, 2022 exhibition. The project was developed under the qualitative methodology and corresponds, due to its orientation, to the type of basic descriptive research. The contrasting technique used was interpretive hermeneutics. To collect the information, semi-structured interviews were carried out and two question guides were prepared as instruments. The study population and sample was made up of two groups of interviewees. The first, called informants, was made up of the management team of the Trujillo Bicentenario exhibition, and the second group, called experts, was made up of professionals with knowledge in cultural management, communication, photography, illustration and history; immersed in the reality of the cultural market of Trujillo and in constant relationship, creation and/or production of cultural products. In both cases, inclusion and exclusion criteria were considered. From the data obtained, they evidenced that photography and digital illustration made possible the communication of history in the Trujillo Bicentennial exhibition due to the way in which the works were produced; respecting all the stages that involve the creation and development of a cultural project that had defined from its conception the message that it wanted to transmit to its target audience. Based on the results, and in the opinion of the authors, it is necessary to continue creating and developing cultural products of this nature, from a local perspective, with the participation of multidisciplinary professional teams, following the stages of creation and execution of a project. cultural, where the arts and tics come together, merge and/or complement each other, for the benefit of the communication of history.
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