Citas bibligráficas
Quispe, J., Vásquez, E. (2019). Influencia de vertederos del tipo escalonado para mejorar la disipación de energía considerando variación de la longitud de huella con caudal constante [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Quispe, J., Vásquez, E. Influencia de vertederos del tipo escalonado para mejorar la disipación de energía considerando variación de la longitud de huella con caudal constante [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2019.
title = "Influencia de vertederos del tipo escalonado para mejorar la disipación de energía considerando variación de la longitud de huella con caudal constante",
author = "Vásquez Mananita, Elar Eduardo",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2019"
The main objective of this thesis was to carry out the following investigation on the influence of stepped landfills of the staggered type to improve the dissipation of energy considered variation of the length of the footprint with constant flow. To carry out this investigation, 02 scale prototypes of stepped dumps with different footprint lengths were built, with the same height as the counter's footprint and the same number of steps. The procedure that was followed for the data collection consisted of dividing each footprint into 2.5 cm progressives, and at each point measuring the height of the stay and measuring the length of the hydraulic jump in each step and thus be able to graph the profile of the water flow in a landfill of the step type with a constant flow rate, which was measured by repetitive tests based on the continuity equation, Q = V × A. In this way it was possible to observe the hydraulic shoulders and identify the type of flow present at each step of the landfill. In the numerical simulation using finite elements Flow 3D software, simulated the physical and hydraulic conditions of the experimental test, which shows the similarity that exists in the flow of water during the route of the stepped landfill, obtaining a similar hydraulic profile. The results of the tests carried out analytically and experimentally prove that there is an influence of landfills of the step type in the resistance to flow and in the dissipation of energy which can be improved by changing certain design conditions such as footprint and height. of against footprint. Therefore, it is concluded that step-type landfills have a positive influence on the resistance to flow and dissipation of energy in works of exceedance, taking into account the physical conditions and design test.
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