Citas bibligráficas
Apaza, E., Cardoza, E. (2019). Estudio de inundabilidad tramo del río Piura entre presa derivadora los Ejidos hasta el puente Cáceres - Piura 2019 [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Apaza, E., Cardoza, E. Estudio de inundabilidad tramo del río Piura entre presa derivadora los Ejidos hasta el puente Cáceres - Piura 2019 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2019.
title = "Estudio de inundabilidad tramo del río Piura entre presa derivadora los Ejidos hasta el puente Cáceres - Piura 2019",
author = "Cardoza Gonzales, Emilio",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2019"
The present research work developed in the river Piura (he is located in the basin of the same name and which area includes and 10,229.64 Km2), being a descriptive investigation of the type. It was proposed like main target, to study the inundabilidad of the river between the prey derivadora The Common lands (upstream) and the bridge Caceres (streamwise) for being an area of big vulnerability before the presence of extraordinary avenues, for which its topography was obtained by means of a surveying (with entire station and flight with drone) that, on having processed it, we manage to obtain the digital elevation model making Civil use of the softwares 3D and ArcGIS. Also, we could calculate the slope average of the river bed being 0.61 m / km, as well as determine the flood areas. There was realized a compilation of daily wealths obtained by the project ChiraPiura, having a byline of 47 years and with which there selected the biggest wealths for the purpose of working the conditions nearest to the reality of the last events hidrometereológicos. For which there were used wealths of recurrence and of events of big avenues that are 500m3/s, 1500 m3/s, 3000m3/s, 3500 m3/s and 4500 m3/s. The hydraulic simulation of the present investigation was realized by the program HEC-RAS V.5.0.7 for the purpose of obtaining the profiles of flow, the depth of undermining, and realizing the modeling with bridge and without bridge. Also, a stable section of the river was proposed with bridge that will allow to control the flood. It is concluded that in the area that the bridge is located there is a decrease in speeds of 0.56 m/s, 0.14 m/s, 0.16 m/s as its flow rate increases from 3000 m3/s, 3500 m3/s and 4500 m3/s. which due to the presence of the of the bridge pillars cause an obstruction to the normal passage of the flow and cause the straps to decay into the part of the bridge (downstream) but increase upstream levels. Upstream downstream shoulder straps range from 15.14 m -13.95 m (Q-4500 m3/s), 14.3 m-12.37 m (Q-3500 m3/s), 12.88 m – 11.43 m (Q 3000 m3/s), 9.73 m – 8.03 (Q-1500 m3/s), 6.32 m – 4.72 m (Q-500 m3/s). As recommendation we call perform a periodic maintenance of cleaning at the channel, with the purpose of eliminating the excess of vegetation on the flood plains and jointly the realization of sections of descolmatación that will further reduce the possibility of overflow before a much larger flow that 4500 m3/s.
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