Citas bibligráficas
Bermudez, M., (2021). Efecto de la temperatura de horneado y tratamiento térmico sobre las características fisicoquímicas y aceptabilidad general en conserva de pimiento piquillo (Capsicum annuum L.) tipo artesano [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Bermudez, M., Efecto de la temperatura de horneado y tratamiento térmico sobre las características fisicoquímicas y aceptabilidad general en conserva de pimiento piquillo (Capsicum annuum L.) tipo artesano [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2021.
title = "Efecto de la temperatura de horneado y tratamiento térmico sobre las características fisicoquímicas y aceptabilidad general en conserva de pimiento piquillo (Capsicum annuum L.) tipo artesano",
author = "Bermudez Lavado, Melissa Lucia",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2021"
The effect of baking temperature (700, 750 and 800 ° C) and heat treatment (95 ° C for 25 min and 100 ° C for 23 min) on color (L *, a * and b *), firmness, content vitamin C, phenol content and general acceptability of artisan-type piquillo pepper canned was evaluated. A bifactorial design with three replications for statistical analysis was used. In the sensory evaluation, 30 untrained panelists and a 9-point hedonic scale were used. Levene's test demonstrated homogeneity of variance for each parametric variable and the analysis of variance indicated a significant effect (p<0.05) on baking and heat treatment temperatures on color, vitamin C content, phenols content, and general acceptability, with the exception of firmness With the exception of the firmness that only denotes the effect of the baking temperature. It was determined that the best treatment was the baking temperature at 700 ° C and the thermal process at 95 ° C for 25 min, which allowed obtaining the best color characteristics (L * of 31.85 and chromaticity b * with 27.49), firmness of 1.97 N, higher content of vitamin C with 114.06 mg AA / 100 g, higher content of phenols with 117.59 mg GA / 100 g and the highest general acceptability with 8.1 points in the canned piquillo pepper type artisan.
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