Citas bibligráficas
Parra, C., (2023). Sobrepeso/Obesidad asociado a ansiedad y semipresencialidad académica en estudiantes de Medicina UPAO-PIURA [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Parra, C., Sobrepeso/Obesidad asociado a ansiedad y semipresencialidad académica en estudiantes de Medicina UPAO-PIURA [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2023.
title = "Sobrepeso/Obesidad asociado a ansiedad y semipresencialidad académica en estudiantes de Medicina UPAO-PIURA",
author = "Parra Sanjinez, Carolina del Rosario",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2023"
OBJETIVE: Determine if overweight and/or obesity is associated with anxiety and the presence of virtual classes in UPAO 2022 Medicine students. MATERIAL AND METHOD: Observational, analytical, cross-sectional study with primary data collection based on data collection through the use of the Google Forms platform to volunteer students who belong to the Faculty of Human Medicine at UPAO, with employment and acceptance of the use of informed consent. in the participants prior to the development and participation in the study. RESULTS: 53.15% (152 records) belonged to the male sex, the average for age was 20.93 years (SD 1.72) with the age group being older; Similarly, in 101 records (35.31%) it was in the Overweight range, 69 of the students in Type 1 Obesity, 12.94% were found in Type 2 Obesity and at a general level as mean values we found that a score of 14.38 was found. points among the 286 participants placing it within the moderate range (10 to 15 total points). CONCLUSION: There is an association between the presence of obesity/overweight in relation to the presence of anxiety for the mild level (p:0.04. IC: 0.023-0.086, Rpa:3.14), moderate (p:0.03. IC: 0.01-0.087, Rpa: 3.12). severe (p:0.02. CI: 0.01-0.078, Rpa:3.9).
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