Citas bibligráficas
Mendoza, E., Matute, E. (2023). Diseño estructural del pavimento en la prolongación Uruguay Urb. Nuevo Indoamérica - distrito de la Esperanza - Trujillo - La Libertad [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Mendoza, E., Matute, E. Diseño estructural del pavimento en la prolongación Uruguay Urb. Nuevo Indoamérica - distrito de la Esperanza - Trujillo - La Libertad [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2023.
title = "Diseño estructural del pavimento en la prolongación Uruguay Urb. Nuevo Indoamérica - distrito de la Esperanza - Trujillo - La Libertad",
author = "Matute Salazar, Edgardo Ronaldo",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2023"
The thesis with the name ‘‘STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF THE PAVEMENT IN THE URUGUAY URB. NUEVO INDOAMÉRICA - DISTRITO DE LA ESPERANZA - TRUJILLO - LA LIBERTAD'' explores the design of pavements of different types such as rigid, flexible and semi-rigid using the guidelines and recommendations of the AASHTO Guide 93 and the 2014 Highway Manual that will be necessary to obtain the most suitable pavement design. The area under investigation corresponds to Urb. Nuevo Indoamérica, where it can be observed that it does not have sidewalks or paved streets, being in unfavorable conditions to provide an adequate service of traffic, which affects the social, urban and economic development of the area, preventing its developing. The investigation seeks to deal with the adverse situation that the population of this area afflicts, for this purpose proposals for pavement designs will be made using technical knowledge and the application of the AASHTO 93 methodology where pavement designs will be defined with their costs. and monetary expenses necessary for its construction. These proposals will be compared through a technical and economic analysis that will determine which will be the most appropriate option that can solve the problem facing this area.
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