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Sanchez, G., (2018). La conducción de puestos de venta de los mercados municipales [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Sanchez, G., La conducción de puestos de venta de los mercados municipales [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2018.
title = "La conducción de puestos de venta de los mercados municipales",
author = "Sanchez Ferrer Medina, Gherald Manuel Alexander",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2018"
Título: La conducción de puestos de venta de los mercados municipales
Asesor(es): Quintana Chuquizuta, Silvia
Palabras clave: Conducción; Puestos de venta
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 2018
Institución: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego
Resumen: La conducción de puestos de venta de los módulos del mercado, están destinados a la
satisfacción de una necesidad básica y social, ya que la escasez o ausencia de los productos que
se encuentran en los módulos conlleva a un estado de pobreza y necesidad social. Se puede
considerar que los productos que se encuentran en los mercados son de necesidad para el
desarrollo del ser humano y una necesidad social compartida por una población. En este
escenario, surge el tema del subarrendamiento de los puestos de venta de los mercados de
propiedad municipal, lo que significa que el conductor del puesto, legalmente reconocido ante
la autoridad municipal, lo alquila a una tercera persona, en contra de lo dispuesto por el gobierno
local; pues si la municipalidad entrega en conducción un puesto de venta de un mercado
municipal, es con la finalidad de que esta persona lo conduzca directamente y no para que lo
sub arriende, lucrándose de un bien ajeno mediante el cobro de una renta que muchas veces es
muy por encima del monto que se paga ante el gobierno local; por lo que debe existir una
regulación expresa respecto a la prohibición de la trasferencia o el subarrendamiento del puesto
de venta bajo sanción de reversión inmediata del puesto de ventas y la aplicación de la sanción
pecuniaria correspondiente.
Markets are goods in the public domain with the public service, which basically consists of providing the population with a supply center for the sale (retail and the mayor) of food and other non-food items. The market is for the good, a public good, which serves as support for the provision of a public service, with the relationship between the administration and the population, which should provide such a service. The management of the stalls of the market modules, these are intended to satisfy a basic and social need since the shortage or absence of the products found in the modules carries a state of poverty and social need. It can be considered that the products found in the markets are of the need for the development of the human being and the social need shared by a population. In this scenario, the subject of subleasing of the stalls of municipal property markets arises, which means that the driver of the position, legally recognized before the municipal authority, rents a third person, contrary to the provisions The government local; Well if the municipality delivers in the conduct of the sale of a municipal market, it is with the purpose of what this person leads it directly and there is nothing for what submarine, being profited from a foreign good in the collection of an income that many times Is well above the amount paid to the local government; Therefore, there must be express regulation regarding the prohibition of the transfer or sublease of the sales post under penalty of immediate reversal of the sales post and the application of the corresponding pecuniary sanction.
Markets are goods in the public domain with the public service, which basically consists of providing the population with a supply center for the sale (retail and the mayor) of food and other non-food items. The market is for the good, a public good, which serves as support for the provision of a public service, with the relationship between the administration and the population, which should provide such a service. The management of the stalls of the market modules, these are intended to satisfy a basic and social need since the shortage or absence of the products found in the modules carries a state of poverty and social need. It can be considered that the products found in the markets are of the need for the development of the human being and the social need shared by a population. In this scenario, the subject of subleasing of the stalls of municipal property markets arises, which means that the driver of the position, legally recognized before the municipal authority, rents a third person, contrary to the provisions The government local; Well if the municipality delivers in the conduct of the sale of a municipal market, it is with the purpose of what this person leads it directly and there is nothing for what submarine, being profited from a foreign good in the collection of an income that many times Is well above the amount paid to the local government; Therefore, there must be express regulation regarding the prohibition of the transfer or sublease of the sales post under penalty of immediate reversal of the sales post and the application of the corresponding pecuniary sanction.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Derecho
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego. Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Politicas
Grado o título: Abogado
Fecha de registro: 4-jun-2018
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