Citas bibligráficas
Riojas, R., (2017). Percepción sobre sexualidad y uso de anticonceptivos en adolescentes del 5° grado nivel secundario I.E. san Carlos Bambamarca Cajamarca 2015 [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Riojas, R., Percepción sobre sexualidad y uso de anticonceptivos en adolescentes del 5° grado nivel secundario I.E. san Carlos Bambamarca Cajamarca 2015 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2017.
title = "Percepción sobre sexualidad y uso de anticonceptivos en adolescentes del 5° grado nivel secundario I.E. san Carlos Bambamarca Cajamarca 2015",
author = "Riojas Castillo, Raquel Tabita",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2017"
The present investigation has as General Aim: I.E Determines the perception on the sexuality and on the use of contraceptives in the teenagers of 5°Grado, Secondary Level, ““San Carlos““ of Bambamarca, Cajamarca,-2015. There was realized an investigation of descriptive type, being in use a preexperimental design .La population was constituted by 240 teen students by a sample of 60 teenagers between 12 to 19 years of age who expired with the criteria of incorporation. The size of sample decided using a type of sampling not probabilístico, for convenience, a survey being realized as technology, with a questionnaire of 30 questions as instrument, applied to the teenagers of this center of studies. Stanones's scale was used to know the perception, where there was applied a scale of qualification that consists of 3 criteria: Bad, Regular and Good. The results approached in the application of the survey to the teenagers of this Educational Institution were the following ones: It was achieved to conclude that in relation to the independent variable: Perception on the sexuality 70 % perceives that it is regular and 30% perceives that it is good and at relation to the dependent variable: Perception on the use of contraceptives 13.33 % perceives that it is bad, a 60 % that is regular and a 26.67 % that is good. Finally after the results of the survey, the hypothesis is rejected ““ The teenagers of 5 ° Degree of the Secondary Level I.E ““San Carlos““ of Bambamarca - Cajamarca, they have a bad perception on the sexuality and on the use of contraceptives ““ since the level of knowledge has been increased.
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