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Alfaro, K., (2017). Factores asociados a ruptura prematura de membranas de pretermino [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Alfaro, K., Factores asociados a ruptura prematura de membranas de pretermino [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2017.
title = "Factores asociados a ruptura prematura de membranas de pretermino",
author = "Alfaro Vasquez, Kattia Juliana",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2017"
Título: Factores asociados a ruptura prematura de membranas de pretermino
Autor(es): Alfaro Vasquez, Kattia Juliana
Asesor(es): Escobedo Medina, Adela
Palabras clave: Ruptura Prematura de Membranas Pretermino; Periodo Intergenesico Corto
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 2017
Institución: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego
Resumen: Determinar los factores asociados a Ruptura Prematura de Membranas de
Pretérmino en pacientes que ingresan al Hospital Regional Docente de Trujillo.
Material y Métodos: Estudio analítico, observacional, de casos y controles. Se estudiaron 550
gestantes según criterios de inclusión y exclusión, divididas en 275 gestantes con RPMpt y
275 gestantes sin RPMpt. La información se obtuvo de las historias clínicas del HRDT. Para el
análisis de los resultados se utilizó chi cuadrado y se halló el Odds Ratio (OR).
Resultados: La frecuencia de RPM fue de 14% en 2013 y 11% en 2014. El intervalo
intergenésico corto no se asoció con RPMpt (p > 0.05). La nuliparidad se asoció a la RPMpt
(OR: 2.1, IC: 1.49 – 2.94, p= 0.0000), al igual que la anemia y control prenatal incompleto
(OR: 3.1, IC: 2.14 – 4.48, p= 0.0000; OR: 1.6, IC: 1.13 – 2.27, p= 0.0085, respectivamente).
El IMC materno bajo no se asoció con RPMpt, tampoco el tabaquismo, metrorragia del
segundo y tercer trimestre e infecciones cérvico – vaginales (p > 0.05). Tanto las ITU como el
embarazo múltiple se asociaron con la RPMpt (OR: 2.1, IC: 1.34 – 3.28, p= 0.0010; OR:
0,31.1, IC: 0.13 – 0.7, p= 0.0036 respectivamente).
Conclusión: La frecuencia de RPM fue más alta en 2013. Los factores de riesgo fueron la
nuliparidad, anemia, control prenatal incompleto, ITU y embarazo múltiple. El intervalo
intergenésico corto, IMC materno bajo, tabaquismo, metrorragia del segundo y tercer trimestre
del embarazo e infecciones cérvico-vaginales no fueron factores de riesgo.
To determine the factors associated with premature rupture of membranes of preterm labor in patients admitted in Trujillo Regional Teaching Hospital Methods: An analytical and observational study of cases and controls was carried out. 550 pregnant women were studied according to inclusion and exclusion established criteria, they were distributed in two groups according to exposure: 275 pregnant women with RPMpt and 275 pregnant women without RPMpt. The information was obtained of the clinical histories of the HRDT. For the analysis of the results Chi square and Odss Ratio were used. Results: The RPM frequency was 14% in 2013 and 11% in 2014. The short interval between pregnancies was not associated with the RPMpt (p > 0.05). Nulliparity was associated with the RPMpt (OR: 2.1, IC: 1.49 – 2.94, p= 0.0000) as like anemia and incomplete antenatal care (OR: 3.1, IC: 2.14 – 4.48, p= 0.0000; OR: 1.6, IC: 1.13 – 2.27, p= 0.0085 respectively). The low maternal BMI was not associated with the RPMpt, neither smoking, second and third quarter metrorrhagia nor cervical - vaginal infections (p > 0.05). Both UTIs and multiple pregnancy were associated with the RPMpt (OR: 2.1, CI: 1.34 - 3.28, p = 0.0010). Multiple pregnancy if it is associated with RPMpt (OR: 2.1, IC: 1.34 – 3.28, p= 0.0010; OR: 0.31, IC: 0.13 – 0.7, p= 0.0036 respectivamente). Conclusions: The RPM frequency was higher in 2013. Nulliparity, anemia, incomplete antenatal care, UTIs and multiple pregnancy were risk factors for RPMpt. The short interval between pregnancies, low maternal BMI, smoking, second and third quarter metrorrhagia and cervical - vaginal infections were not risk factors for RPMpt.
To determine the factors associated with premature rupture of membranes of preterm labor in patients admitted in Trujillo Regional Teaching Hospital Methods: An analytical and observational study of cases and controls was carried out. 550 pregnant women were studied according to inclusion and exclusion established criteria, they were distributed in two groups according to exposure: 275 pregnant women with RPMpt and 275 pregnant women without RPMpt. The information was obtained of the clinical histories of the HRDT. For the analysis of the results Chi square and Odss Ratio were used. Results: The RPM frequency was 14% in 2013 and 11% in 2014. The short interval between pregnancies was not associated with the RPMpt (p > 0.05). Nulliparity was associated with the RPMpt (OR: 2.1, IC: 1.49 – 2.94, p= 0.0000) as like anemia and incomplete antenatal care (OR: 3.1, IC: 2.14 – 4.48, p= 0.0000; OR: 1.6, IC: 1.13 – 2.27, p= 0.0085 respectively). The low maternal BMI was not associated with the RPMpt, neither smoking, second and third quarter metrorrhagia nor cervical - vaginal infections (p > 0.05). Both UTIs and multiple pregnancy were associated with the RPMpt (OR: 2.1, CI: 1.34 - 3.28, p = 0.0010). Multiple pregnancy if it is associated with RPMpt (OR: 2.1, IC: 1.34 – 3.28, p= 0.0010; OR: 0.31, IC: 0.13 – 0.7, p= 0.0036 respectivamente). Conclusions: The RPM frequency was higher in 2013. Nulliparity, anemia, incomplete antenatal care, UTIs and multiple pregnancy were risk factors for RPMpt. The short interval between pregnancies, low maternal BMI, smoking, second and third quarter metrorrhagia and cervical - vaginal infections were not risk factors for RPMpt.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Medicina Humana
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego. Facultad de Medicina Humana
Grado o título: Médico Cirujano
Fecha de registro: 2-may-2017
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