Citas bibligráficas
Peña, L., Haro, K. (2017). Eficacia de un taller educativo en el nivel de conocimiento y uso de técnicas de lactancia materna en gestantes adolescentes. Centro de salud materno infantil el bosque 2013 [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Peña, L., Haro, K. Eficacia de un taller educativo en el nivel de conocimiento y uso de técnicas de lactancia materna en gestantes adolescentes. Centro de salud materno infantil el bosque 2013 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2017.
title = "Eficacia de un taller educativo en el nivel de conocimiento y uso de técnicas de lactancia materna en gestantes adolescentes. Centro de salud materno infantil el bosque 2013",
author = "Haro Florian, Karolan Emilia",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2017"
With the objective to determine the efficacy of an educational workshop on the level of knowledge and use of breastfeeding techniques in pregnant women of the El Bosque Health Center was carried out a quasi experimental investigation, with pretest and posttest design, in a sample of 88 pregnant women divided into experimental and control group. The experimental group was realized an educational workshop with 4 sessions. It was found that before the intervention, in the groups of experimental and control was regular level 65.9% and 68.2%, and bad 31.8%; after the intervention the level of knowledge in the experimental group was good 31.8% and regular 68.2% and in the control group was regular 86.3% and 13.7% bad. Regarding the use of breastfeeding techniques, the experimental group complied with breastfeeding techniques in 68.2%, and in the control group 38.6%. The efficacy of the educational workshop was statistically demonstrated with increased knowledge and use of techniques (p <0.001). Concluding that, there was efficacy of the educational workshop in the level of knowledge and use of breastfeeding techniques.
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