Citas bibligráficas
Lou, I., (2017). Nivel de conocimiento sobre salud bucal en gestantes que acuden al servicio de obstetricia del Centro de Salud Bellavista - LaLlibertad [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Lou, I., Nivel de conocimiento sobre salud bucal en gestantes que acuden al servicio de obstetricia del Centro de Salud Bellavista - LaLlibertad [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2017.
title = "Nivel de conocimiento sobre salud bucal en gestantes que acuden al servicio de obstetricia del Centro de Salud Bellavista - LaLlibertad",
author = "Lou Gomez, Ismael Junior",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2017"
The purpose of this study was to analyze the level of knowledge on oral helath in pregnants of the Health Center Bellavista in La Esperanza. This prospective, transversal, descriptive and observat ional study was conducted in the obstetric service of the Health Center Bellavista in La Esperanza, with a inquiri of 15 questions to 60 pregnants. The level of knowledge was rated as good, regular and bad; where the regular knowledge level with 66.7% was the predominant and the bad knowledge level is the lower result with 11.7%. A significant difference wasn’found in the different variables as age, number of children, degree of instruction, however, the predominant result was always the regular level. Achieve a high level of knowledge in oral health in future mothers have to be un of the priority objective because of the attention in themselves in this important stage and the knowledges and habits that they whill trasmit to the baby; furthermore, in this stage the mother is suceptible injuries and symptomatology complicated to treat for the pregnant cares.
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