Citas bibligráficas
Mathews, R., (2017). Asertividad y valores interpersonales en estudiantes de nivel secundaria de una institucion educativa nacional del distrito de tambo grande - Piura [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Mathews, R., Asertividad y valores interpersonales en estudiantes de nivel secundaria de una institucion educativa nacional del distrito de tambo grande - Piura [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2017.
title = "Asertividad y valores interpersonales en estudiantes de nivel secundaria de una institucion educativa nacional del distrito de tambo grande - Piura",
author = "Mathews Viñas, Rayza Del Cisne",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2017"
The present research has as main objective to analyze the relationship between the assertiveness and the interpersonal values in Secondary students of a National Educational Institution of the district of Tambo Grande-Piura, using for its evaluation the Assessment Scale of Assertiveness (ADCA-1), by Garcia and Magaz (2013) and the Interpersonal Values Questionnaire (SIV) by Gordon (1972). The study adopts a descriptive - correlational design. A sample of 206 students, males and females, 4th and 5th year of secondary school enrolled in the academic year 2016, from the E. I. 80210 Jorge Chávez of the District of Tambo Grande. The results show that in the study group, an average level prevails in the Heteroarastivity and Auto-Adhesiveness indicators. Likewise, the indicators Support, Conformity, Recognition, Independence and Leadership predominate; And a high level in the indicator Benevolence, represented by 38.8%. On the other hand, there was a very significant correlation, positive and average, between Assertiveness and Interpersonal Values; A very significant correlation, positive and in average degree, between the Auto-Adhesiveness and the Conformity indicator; A very significant correlation, negative and in average degree, between Auto-Adhesion and Recognition. Finally, it was found that there is a very significant correlation, positive and in a medium degree, the Heterorablity of Assertiveness and the indicators Support and Leadership of Interpersonal Values; and a very significant correlation, negative and in the middle degree, between Heteroasurement and Recognition.
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