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Luján, L., (2014). La derogación de las sociedades colectivas [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Luján, L., La derogación de las sociedades colectivas [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2014.
title = "La derogación de las sociedades colectivas",
author = "Luján Briceño, Luis Alberto",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2014"
Título: La derogación de las sociedades colectivas
Autor(es): Luján Briceño, Luis Alberto
Asesor(es): Carbajal Sánchez,Henry
Palabras clave: Derogación; Sociedades
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 2014
Institución: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego
Resumen: La presente tesis analiza la derogación de las sociedades colectivas; originadas como una comunidad de trabajo y en la que todos los socios tienen la posibilidad de participar directamente en la gestión social mediante su administración, así como de responder de manera ilimitada, personal y solidariamente por las deudas sociales de la Sociedad. La responsabilidad social ilimitada de la sociedad colectiva le resta importancia en el mercado comercial cuando un socio o potencial socio apuesta en constituir una sociedad colectiva con fin pecuniario. Evaluar la factibilidad de proponer la derogación formal de las sociedades colectivas, constituye uno de los objetivos del presente trabajo, a fin de simplificar este tipo societario a nuestra realidad societaria actual, además el alto nivel de riesgo que representa, al comprometer de este modo el patrimonio personal de cada socio ante las deudas de la sociedad.
La inversión extranjera en nuestro país ha generado la introducción de nuevas tecnologías, capital y la posibilidad de nuevos mercados en el exterior, sin tener éxito las sociedades colectivas en su uso. A falta de acuerdos efectivos para la adopción de un sistema normativo eficiente que modifique o derogue la sociedad colectiva mercantil; la presente investigación propone la derogación formal de la sociedad colectiva en nuestra legislación societaria, no encontrándose acorde al desarrollo económico, de acuerdo a las nuevas tendencias del mercado para promover la economía sostenible en nuestro país, que actualmente se proyecta al liderazgo en Latinoamérica.
Present it thesis examines the collective companies' abrogation; Originated like a community of work and the one that all associates have the possibility to participate directly in the social intervening step in his administration, as well as of answering for unlimited way, staff and in an attitude of solidarity for the partnership debt of the Society. The unlimited social responsibility of the collective company subtracts his importance in the commercial market when a member or the potential member bets in constituting a collective society, like pecuniary end. Examining the sequels of his abrogation of the collective companies in our present-day cost-reducing reality, one of the objectives of the present work constitutes, and besides the tall level of risk that you represent, when affecting in this way appointing the personal patrimony out of every member in front of the partnership debts. The foreign investment at its country has generated the introduction of new technologies, capital and the possibility of new markets out-ofdoors, without having success the collective companies in his use. In default of effective agreements for the adoption of a normative efficient system that you modify or annul the mercantile collective company; Present it investigation proposes abrogation the collective company in our association legislation, since you do not find yourself in agreement to the economic development, according to the new market trends to promote the sustainable economy at our country, that at present has influence to the leadership in Latin America.
Present it thesis examines the collective companies' abrogation; Originated like a community of work and the one that all associates have the possibility to participate directly in the social intervening step in his administration, as well as of answering for unlimited way, staff and in an attitude of solidarity for the partnership debt of the Society. The unlimited social responsibility of the collective company subtracts his importance in the commercial market when a member or the potential member bets in constituting a collective society, like pecuniary end. Examining the sequels of his abrogation of the collective companies in our present-day cost-reducing reality, one of the objectives of the present work constitutes, and besides the tall level of risk that you represent, when affecting in this way appointing the personal patrimony out of every member in front of the partnership debts. The foreign investment at its country has generated the introduction of new technologies, capital and the possibility of new markets out-ofdoors, without having success the collective companies in his use. In default of effective agreements for the adoption of a normative efficient system that you modify or annul the mercantile collective company; Present it investigation proposes abrogation the collective company in our association legislation, since you do not find yourself in agreement to the economic development, according to the new market trends to promote the sustainable economy at our country, that at present has influence to the leadership in Latin America.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Derecho
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego. Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Politicas
Grado o título: Abogado
Fecha de registro: 14-feb-2014
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